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Kailey - I didn't know about the unmastered version. Where could I hear that? :shifty:


Ummmm. It was on their myspace before they even released Perceptions. I downloaded it before they took it off. Here:



I'm allowed to post this since it's not the official version, right?


It's not much different than the released version. Well, you can tell the first second because it doesn't have the cross-fade part thing from Percipere. And it's not as polished, but I think that's why I like it better. I actually only listen to this version. I don't even listen to the one on Perceptions. Hahahaha.

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Yeah, no offense, but Spears is pretty much bottom of the barrel pop music.

I have zero respect for this "pop stars" that earn big bucks for other people writing music for them. There is zero artistic integrity happening there.

Britney is a good entertainer, no doubt. I sure as fuck couldn't get up on a stage and dance around, I have two fucking left legs (not literally, I'm not mutated:rotfl:)

A good musician, a good artist, a good singer? FUCK NO.

Major respect to the song writers and producers who put together the songs that seem to appeal the lowest common denominator, because they know what they are doing.

Zero respect for Britney putting herself out there as a corporatized puppet, performing music that would flop if it wasn't for the fact that she has a sex goddess image. Come on, we know if she were ugly as all fuck, her records wouldn't sell, the music is not strong enough to stand on it's on merits and sell regardless of how attractive the "artist" is.

And yes, before do the whole "Ahh you metalhead" tirade, I actually like pop music. I just don't like insincere pop music, which is unfortunately a huge chunk of it.


Sierra Kusterbeck is not only 1000 times better looking than Britney (because she looks like a real girl and not a fucking plastic trashy whore like Britney who's body is fucked up from past drug abuse........and well okay I'm severely biased towards emo/punk girls anyway:p), but she at least has a fucking backbone and puts real love, blood, sweat and tears into the music, something Britney has never had to do in her life because we know people like Spears don't have to work for it, they just get everything handed to them easily.

Sierra has more talent in one of her fingers than Britney has in her whole body, and well, then talk about the whole band who are all immensely talented, Britney is just a fucking talentless hack who's voice hides behind autotune because she can't sing for shit (and also that fucking lip synching, fucking pathetic).

VersaEmerge deserve far more success and critical acclaim than Britney and it sickens me that she is even mentioned in the same thread

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