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an unopened letter to the world.


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Dear ______,


You were there. And I was fucking stupid and not going there and saying hi. But you were ordering of course I didn't go to you. But I know it was you. I heard your voice. I recognized it. I wish I wasn't that miserable. I wanna talk to you so bad. You don't know how much you mean to me. But I just can't tell you.

I hope you are okay.




Dear life,


You treat me fucking bad. I've really had enough of your shitty things you do to me all the time. I may fail but I don't care. You need to realize I'm not that bad person and give me a chance to show the others I can do anything. And don't let me ruin this relationship, okay? If you do..... I don't know what will happen.




Dear _______,


I dare to confess: I like you. You were so nice to me yesterday and I must tell you that I enjoyed myself. I wish you knew I'm not that ordinary type. I can be weird sometimes. I hope you realize that soon.



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Dear you,


You can't just let me here alone. You said yesterday you would be on msn today and I said I'd be on too. So why did you have to be hidden? You saw that I was online. At least you could've messaged me. Okay, I got it, that means something.

Or yesterday that hug didn't mean anything?



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Dear ______,

I'm sorry we hardly talk anymore. It's a shame. We went our seperate ways, got into different things, we grew up. You're still my oldest friend though, that won't change. We'll never be great friends again, but I promise to make more of an effort to talk to you.



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Dear _______,

Words cannot express how much you mean to me, how much you always have. It seems you always know when I have a problem, and you always do something that makes me feel better. I don't know if that's intentional, but it's what you do and I couldn't appreciate it any more if I tried. You're amazing even if sometimes I'm sure you drive me crazy. I want so badly to tell you my true feelings for you but I fear what that could bring. Those who know of my true feelings implore me to tell you because they're so sure it'd work out for the best, but I can't be so sure. I don't want to lose you in any way, shape, or form.

What hurts is that somehow I feel as if I will lose you. There's not much time left for me to be able to see you nearly everyday. When this chapter of our lives ends and the new chapter of college sets in, where will you go? We may be separated and honestly, that scares me to death. It seems everyone I hold near and dear to me always either dies or grows apart from me. It's another thing that makes me not want to get close to you. What if I'm poison? I can't lose you. You've helped me so much and you don't even know it.

What's meant to be will be, and I just have to believe that. Whatever happens is for the best. They say we belong together, that we're a great match. But what they don't understand is that for this sort of thing to work, it takes two. I can't just be the only one who has feelings and expect it to go anywhere. If you don't share the same feelings, that's okay. It's not going to hurt me at all because I'll know it to be for the best. Just as long as you don't change like all the others have.



Okay, I'm done sounding like a creeper.

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