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an unopened letter to the world.


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Dear _____,

What more do you want from me? You're practically eating me alive! Nothing I say matters to you. You played the big "I care and I love you" role until you realized that you're the only one who's seen the side of me no one else sees. Now you just want to take what weaknesses of mine you know of and twist them and keep pulling me by a chain. You promised me you'd never do anything to hurt me but you don't see what you're doing to me--or maybe you do and just love every minute of it.

How could you do this to me? I thought I could trust you. I thought you were here to help me and be the only one who's never hurt me. I was wrong. Back to crawling under my rock of self-protection.

I can't do this anymore. I've been letting you rip away at me for long enough and I'm not going to do it anymore. I'm tired of people walking all over me like a doormat.

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Dear Jordan,

Please just pay attention. You need to be careful. I know what I'm talking about, I've dealt with this nasty piece of work before... He has threatened to have me beaten up before, he has made life hell for me, he has called me allsorts. At the time, it hurt.. but now, I just view him as the victim. He is utterly pathetic and has such an empty existance that he chooses to make people feel unworthy. You're angry, I'm angry, all of us are angry at the way he treats Kim. It's wrong, I know. Unfortunately, the only one who can end it is Kimberley. She needs to realise herself what an utter bastard he is. Don't go getting yourself beaten up for having a go at him on facebook. If you want to give him a piece of your mind, do it to his face on monday, with Jamie, David, Laura and me by your side. Don't be stupid.



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Dear Freddy,


I can't help but think that I'm drifting away from you. You me and Serra used to be a tight trio but ever since you've started to fancy Hannah, you never hang with us at lunch anymore. I know plenty of people who have ignored their friends for their boyfriend/girlfriend but I never thought you would be like that. It doesn't help that we're allowed to go to the park at lunch now, our little friendship group has been completly split up! But no one seems to be bothered by it apart from me...



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possibly the best post in this thread imo



Hehe. I don't even know why I blocked the name.. she goes to my school. Always talks to me about Paramore as she knows I'm a fan, which is fine. But she's started wearing those thick rimmed glasses like Hayley does, has dyed her hair red and does Hayley poses in her pics. :s

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Hehe. I don't even know why I blocked the name.. she goes to my school. Always talks to me about Paramore as she knows I'm a fan, which is fine. But she's started wearing those thick rimmed glasses like Hayley does, has dyed her hair red and does Hayley poses in her pics. :s

haahaha, poor girl

i'm glad i had red hair before they were popular, i don't think anyone's called me a fayley

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haahaha, poor girl

i'm glad i had red hair before they were popular, i don't think anyone's called me a fayley


It's sad really though that you can't have red hair without being labelled a Fayley. That may sound like hypocrisy after my letter, but this girl is actually trying for it. :/ Meh.

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Dear ladies (yes, I'm talking about you two),


I changed "trying makes you a failey" to apply to life in general and now it's "trying makes you fail". Such a cheery outlook at life, isn't it? But still, it's annoyingly/amusingly true, you can't fail if you don't try, and so I congratulate you for creating the aphorism of the month. If you want to change it into a form of advice, just say "if you don't want to fail, don't try". That's deep, I tell you.


-Secret admirer

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