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an unopened letter to the world.


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Dear Frank,

Get over the fact that I have black hair. I'm way more than that, and I would've expected a grown up to see that for fuck's sake.






I'm feeling like shit already, and you keeping to drop out isn't exactely making my mood any better.



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Dear dad,

Wow, thanks. Considering you got me chips the other day and I didn't eat them, I figured you would've realised I don't like them. So now you get me them again? I'll eat them 'cause I'm starving, but you should know by now I don't even like them that much!



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Dear MCR,

Well, this time two years ago.. You will have probably been onstage. It was three years last month since I first discovered you guys. Where has the time gone? You've always been there for me, even though you don't know I exist and I am so thankful. To you I'm just another nameless, faceless fan in the crowd; but to me, you guys are everything. You inspire me greatly, give me hope, cheer me up and make me laugh. I love you more than I could possibly describe. Don't ever stop making music, I don't know what I'd do without it. Thank you guys, for everything.


Just another grateful fan.

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Dear time,

Don't be so quick tonight okay?Do not ruin my sweet sleep.I hate waking up early,you know.

and 6:40 is pretty early.But you know that if I sleep early that doesn't change anything.It's not about sleeping early.It's about waking up late.Got it?


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Dear Cardiologist,

Something is wrong with me. I'm sick in the heart (and the head, haha) and it's messing up my body. My pediatrician said that my body is not working properly because of this. Still, you have the audacity to laugh at me when I tell you I feel as if I'm dying and that I can barely get out of the bed some days and that I'll spend a straight two hours out of my day dry-heaving with palpitations. Then you tell me that nothing is wrong with me, that I will simply "grow out of it" even though I've had this since I was eleven and it's only gotten worse.

I've lost eight pounds and there are days when I can't even eat. You have the urgent care files as proof. You know my blood pressure is a little too high and you have the records of my palpitations. They did numerous EKGs and they even highlighted a section where my heart was acting weird and STILL you laugh and say there's nothing wrong with me. The other doctors know there is but they can't do anything because you say there's nothing there and that it's just my age. It's not.

Something is wrong and my body is paying a heavy price for it. It's stunted my growth basically and I'm on the verge of being underweight. I need help and you won't help me. There's nothing I can do anymore. I can't plan a life in the military until you clear me of everything but you won't. You won't do anything because you'd rather just laugh and tell me it's nothing.

Do your job or you're going to get the boot.



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Dear Samibear,


You make me feel embarassed and make me laugh when you wink at me.I know that you love me but there's no love in me.about you.sorry for that.If you show me that your love is real ,I may date you but I have never dated someone before so you know.it's kind of hard.I don't know.

Like my avatar says SHOW ME THE LOVE!


the girl who you love.


Dear Büşra,

Is there something happening that I don't know or I shouldn't know? :shifty:

Uhm I just wanna say that if something get tough,please let me know.Whenever you need me,I'm always ready for you.Don't forget.



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Dear Jamie,

Our arguement was utterly pathetic. Over Jedward and Zac Efron too! Seriously, I'm entitled to love them just as much as you love bloody Zac Efron. It started as a joke, but you took it too far. It's not even so much our arguement that bugged me, but the fact that you kiss Kimberley's arse and apologise to her, but ignore me. You always say I'm your best friend, so why not just clear the air with me? You didn't even have to say sorry, you just had to let it drop. Why bring her into it? We're cool now and we always are within hours of fights, but sometimes, I really don't get you...



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