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What ya thinkin' bout this black hole stuff in Switzerland?


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""Have you ever wondered how the Universe started? How did we get here? And what other secrets are out in space?


On September 10, scientists at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) will try to answer these and other questions by re-creating the conditions that existed just billionths of a second after the Big Bang.


The BBC will join scientists as they switch on the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), a giant subterranean machine that will probe the mysteries of the cosmos.


By smashing together tiny particles, it is hoped that the LHC will reveal the origins of mass, show us what all the invisible matter in the cosmos is made of, and perhaps even create mini black holes."

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It's not bullshit, it's science.


Anyway, they're only testing it tomorrow, experiments don't start until October.


If i somehow end up in the swiss alps with some goats, plaits and with the ability to yodel, i'll know a black hole has been made and we're being sucked towards it. If not, i'll continue sitting here in ye olde englande, quite oblivious to the world around me. Jolly good.

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It's not bullshit, it's science.


Anyway, they're only testing it tomorrow, experiments don't start until October.


Oh sorry, I didn't read it at first, didn't knew it was science.

I was thinking that it was a dark prediction of a black hole invading Switzerland on Wednesday. :rotfl:


Thanks for opening my eyes Jorgi, you are the light that makes my darkness disappear. :-o


I'm eager to know how this works out, It's really promising. :)

Imagine we have an answer to all of the existence questions we've been asking ourselves. ;-)


I feel well superior making this thread ;D


Believe me, you are not. :shifty:

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Firstly, black holes emit radiation, Hawking radiation, and for such a small black hole, it'd pretty much disappear straight away because of this radiation.


Secondly, the LHC won't go to energies high enough to make tiny black holes, the chances, as evaluated by several independent scientists, are minimal at best.


To qualm any fears that you won't wake up to see the Tallahassee skyline. :)

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