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Rant Thread IV


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How dare you try and guilt trip me you Julian Clary wannabe. This guy comes in to work a minute ago asking about a loan so I tell him £500 maximum for a first loan, he says he needs £4,000 so I said we wouldn't be able to give him that much, so he asks if I know anywhere else that could lend him four grand, so I said no. He says okay, and as he walks out the door he says Merry Christmas. Bastard. :P

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Why can't he just love me again? I mean we were so happy. We didn't have a care in the world, but then I fucked it up, just like I do with everything. I didn't mean to, I've changed, I've grown up. Why can't he just take one last chance with me? I swear he wouldn't regret it. I've got such a big heart, but it always seems to get hurt.

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ugh i always get sick over any break.

this time i have RSV.


and another thing

wanna know what really annoys me?

when people you barely know, who you aren't even friends with, come and complain to you.

i get that people need someone to talk to but i really really REALLY to the highest extent hate it when people i'm not friends with complain to me about shit that doesn't matter and that i can in no way fix

like their annoying brothers and sisters, them being grounded and blah blah blah.


what i can't stand is when people stick their damn heads into mine or anyone elses business. its not your fucking business!

and i hate it when people are in a relationship and they ask the other person never to hurt them and then they break up and they're just like

'well they said they'd never hurt *cry cry cry*'

first off, when you join a relationship, you are bargaining. You get love but you also get pain because love hurts. so if someone promises they'll never hurt you, they're lying and you shouldn't be pissed when they break your heart. if a relationship is going to work, you are occasionally gonna get hurt. deal with it!


ok i'm done ranting :]

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