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new livejournal post. LONG awesome.

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wow. [31 Aug 2006|01:58am]

[ mood | anxious ]

[ music | acceptance ]


can you believe it's been this long? yeah... me either. we could possibly be the worst at updating all of our sites and keeping you guys totally in the loop about things. so, most of you know we postponed a couple shows and were able to spend a little time home so that my voice could heal. fortunately, it worked. I'm feeling a little better and now that we've played our first show back - here in Seattle - we are more excited than ever to finish out this tour the right way.


time makes you believe the strangest things.



lately, i've been a little uninspired. we've been trying to write a little for the new record (for which no plans to record are in place) and i've just sorta had a hard time. it's not that i don't want to say anything. there are so many things i want to get off my chest. yet, finding the way to say them has been difficult. for me, as a writer, there are always ups and downs. the downs usually come when i'm growing and when i'm searching hard for what means the most to me. the issues and the feelings that matter most. honestly, i'm not sure where this is going to take me... but i guess i just wanted to share that part of my life with anyone who will read it. and it's not for your sympathy either. maybe i just need to say it. maybe it's just part of growing. learning to open up and just be honest whether people care or not, you know? well, now i'm just rambling on.



"if lovin' were easy, it wouldn't be love" - this providence.


one more thing. if you don't see me after the shows, it's not because i'm running from you! ha. the guys are usually hanging out or coming to and from the bus to pack or unload. the reason that i've been such a recluse is so that i won't use my voice after the show and maybe possibly i can keep my voice fresh and pretty for the rest of the tour. i'm sort of sorry about how paranoid i've been about my voice, but i'd much rather finish out the tour healthy than blow it all out on one night. thanks guys for being so supportive and encouraging me the way you all have.


we have the best fans i've ever heard of.




a seperate piece


dear, brent, stephanie, gloria, ashley and diego,


you made going home and resting so much more enjoyable. thank you four for the gifts and the encouraging letters. brent, i look forward to reading the books and listening to "windmill" by toad the wet sprocket. excellent choices in movies, guys, seriously. the best part is that a couple of them i have seen and love (Almost Famous being one of my favorites) but i don't own any of them. so, the guys and i have hours and hours of entertainment to look forward to. it really blows my mind that we have the type of sincere support and care from you all that we do. and to know that you are running the fan site and you're a big part of the reason Paramore and our fans are such a family, really gives me confidence. for some reason, i couldn't have it any other way. so, thank you for being such a strong team for us and working together with us to make great things happen. i would keep going and going if i could... but i sort of need to get as much sleep as i can. the dudes have all just told me to say hello and thanks for helping me feel better so we can keep going. haha. we'll see you when we see you and hopefully that's not too long from now.





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Yeah, we sent her another little get well soon package last week - we pulled it together REALLY fast so we could get it there while she was still home and it just barely made it to her in time...sorry we couldn't get everyone's thoughts from the boards, but we just didn't have time...I'm so glad she got it in time though and hopefully, it helped her feel a little better :)


I posted my response in the LJ, but like I said there, the writing will come...in fact, based on what Hayley says above, I have no doubt that the songs that she's going to write are going to be better than ever...it's those hard times you go through where you can't seem to say what you want that are kind of when you're figuring it all out and then, when it comes, it's amazing...and looking at how they've grown over the last year, I have no doubt that we're in for something really, really special with this next record. And if it takes a little while to get there, I'm definitely willing to wait...


So, so glad she's feeling better...man, I wish I could see them again on this tour...sigh...

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I'm sooooo happy to hear she's well and up and about again. On with the show :)


i'm pretty much in love with your sig and avatar, glorya. hahaha. Lazytown is great. although i think i have to say i dig the Backyardigans much more.

Nick Jr. is just for me!


ANYWAY, about the LJ post.. yeah i got out of work today and my friend had just texted me so i called her and she told me about it. so then i got home and read it and when i read the last part, i was like EEEEEE. i thought that 'shout-out'/message to the mods was awesome, and it made me smile. seriously. this website is pretty much the greatest thing EVER! it's basically the only thing i check daily other than my e-mail.

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