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Rant Thread II


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thanks steesh I really hope it does


See, it's a long distance thing between me and him, I don't get to see him. He's in another country entirely.



There's this girl who I feel fancies him, she invited him to go with her and a bunch of other girls to the beach for a few days. So, it's basically him and those girls (although their parents are coming) and I feel on the way back he'll end up being one of their boyfriends or something...probably her, cause she tried to have sex with him on New Year's Eve, though she was really drunk, but that's not the point...she'll be sober this weekend and after all isn't it awkward inviting a boy over to a girls' outing? Plus he himself is really desperate, I can't believe he actually said yes, I mean I know he likes to have a girlfriend but I love him so it really hurts. (He left today and he's coming back on Tuesday, by the way.)



And well just yesterday I f****d it up with him, I made him pissed off with me, we had an argument...We talked about all these different things to do with what's pissing him off and how I've been upset and other random stuff for ages....I flipped when he told me that one of his "FRIENDS" said "How do you even know Lara is who she says she is?" so I was all like "what you've known me for 3 years and you believe this crap" and he goes "no I set off"


He thinks that his friends have his best interests at heart, when how could they if they tell him who and who not to talk to?! I've done everything for him and told him so much, he's told me things he hasn't told others...I call them (his friends) "so-called" friends because they involve themselves in our relationship/friendship however you wanna put it, and they influence him to not talk to me, let alone not be close to me.


Although he's not angry as such anymore and we're friends again, in fact he's been making the effort just a little to build our friendship back up by making conversation with youtube videos and random news stuff....I feel it won't be how we were before....he knows I love him and it hurts.



It's such a mess...




Plus I'm a British girl living in America, I've only lived here for 6 months and I'm doing a presentation on monday and I HAVE to do it cause it's worth 50 points...problem is it's my US History class, the people in there haven't tolerated (is that a word?) me (cause I'm new and completely different from them) and they've mocked my voice. Hardly anyone in there is friendly..I only have like 2 or 3 friends in that class. All my other classes are fine though. Plus the teacher is really strict and he always wants everyone to participate...so it's like...uhhh...



And I need one of my friends to give me $20, because I texted the boy I love and well...texting and receiving texts internationally costs 25 cents..there was probably about 15 sent and received in total, so I want at least 20 dollars to give to Dad...because I don't want him asking me who I've been texting, he knows I talk to my friends back in England on MSN. I hope he doesn't notice, because he hasn't said anything before, but because me and the boy had an argument, I couldn't stop texting (yes I'm obsessed and paranoid, shoot me :( ) so I feel there'll be a strange slight rise in the bill this month. Erghhh.




Sorry for the long whiny post, I needed to get it all out :crybad:

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wow, im so sorry for everything that is going on right now in your life.

not to sound mean or anything but from what you've told us it seems that he trusts his "other" friends more than he trusts you... now i dont know all the details but i really think you deserve someone who will choose YOU over his other friends, you know?

as for him trying to rebuild the friendship, and you saying that he knows that you love him... sorry to sound mean but do you know that he loves you?

as for you situation living in America, im sorry that you've had to go through your US history class with people like that... but dont think about it too much it will only make you feel down and sad, its good to know that you at least have some friends in the class who dont look at you any different than they are.

hope your feeling better.:D

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Personally I feel the worries of ourselves, us members on here, are more important than some stupid skanky biatch walking around with no underwear and her stoopid sister...:P sorry...just not in the mood to talk about Britney Spears...I do not feel sorry for her AT ALL...


wow, im so sorry for everything that is going on right now in your life.

not to sound mean or anything but from what you've told us it seems that he trusts his "other" friends more than he trusts you... now i dont know all the details but i really think you deserve someone who will choose YOU over his other friends, you know?

as for him trying to rebuild the friendship, and you saying that he knows that you love him... sorry to sound mean but do you know that he loves you?

as for you situation living in America, im sorry that you've had to go through your US history class with people like that... but dont think about it too much it will only make you feel down and sad, its good to know that you at least have some friends in the class who dont look at you any different than they are.

hope your feeling better.:D


Ah, you see. We've had an on and off relationship since September 2005, he recently (this exactly being about 3/4 months) said he doesn't want to come back to me anymore because he knows he'll hurt me again (he broke up with me 5 times, I'll explain more if you want to know but it's a REALLY LONG STORY...) and he said he doesn't want that, but we've been really flirty with each other, and naughty, and it's almost like we've been in a relationship although literally we haven't (if you get what I'm saying) and just that day when I said I f***** things up with him, he told me that he feels guilty about wanting to have a real girlfriend (this being non-long-distance, I mean) because of me, and he feels I'm holding him back, plus I get jealous really quickly, blah blah.


I don't know if he loves me or not. He has said it before, and I've pressured him about whether he means it, but he doesn't want a relationship. We're going to hopefully meet in 2010 (I hope it all works out, you see, like I said, I haven't met him but we both know enough about each other and we're still very close friends) in England. He's going to be in France for university and in the summer I want to go back and visit England as I will be doing so this year anyway, so we might have a chance then. He said he will give me a chance, but for now he just wants to have a normal "teenage" life, or however he put it. Problem is I actually haven't been holding him back, earlier this Autumn/Fall he said he had a date with a girl and I was fine about it, plus he had a girlfriend 2 months before that and I was fine too.


Anyway, everytime he comes close to having a real girlfriend, it fucks up. He had a girlfriend, she didn't want people to know about their relationship, she cheated on him with one of his best friends.


He asked out two girls they said no, he asked out another she said yes but the date didn't happen.


I just hope it continues that way, so he realizes that the only girl for him is me. :P Because, unlike them, I promise him everything, I'd do anything for him, and I care about him so much.


^i kinda agree with her about what she's saying about that guy. but omg this all really sucks, i feel so bad for you. and why are ppl making fun of you?? personally, i love british accents, and shouldnt the teacher be giving you a break...it is US history..not UK.


Aaaand about the whole US History thing, you see the teacher hasn't given me a break at all. He's piled me (not just me, but you see what I'm saying) with homework over and over, and I've tried so hard. Some times I've done the homework, and then I forget the next day and realize he's set OTHER homework too. So I'm like "What?! I didn't know about this.." He hasn't let me off, or told me he'll go slower with me, or anything.


I don't know why they're mocking me or making fun of me. The people in that class are the least friendliest I have on my schedule (and my English class too, but I've kept a low profile, 98% of that class know absolutely nothing about me, neither have I had to speak out loud yet.) and they seem to think they're funny for some reason. I'm dreading Monday so bad. I have to present in front of the whole class. :crybad:


I think from a guys perspective that you shouldn't worry about that boy and going on a "girls outing" if he knows and cares about you and your feeling he'll make the right decision


Ah, you see, I don't know if he cares as much as he should. Again, he's single, we're not in a relationship, but I've been in love with him from the start.



It's a mess really, it's not entirely my fault, I accept where I've gone wrong, but him...blah.

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Ah, you see. We've had an on and off relationship since September 2005, he recently (this exactly being about 3/4 months) said he doesn't want to come back to me anymore because he knows he'll hurt me again (he broke up with me 5 times, I'll explain more if you want to know but it's a REALLY LONG STORY...) and he said he doesn't want that, but we've been really flirty with each other, and naughty, and it's almost like we've been in a relationship although literally we haven't (if you get what I'm saying) and just that day when I said I f***** things up with him, he told me that he feels guilty about wanting to have a real girlfriend (this being non-long-distance, I mean) because of me, and he feels I'm holding him back, plus I get jealous really quickly, blah blah.


I don't know if he loves me or not. He has said it before, and I've pressured him about whether he means it, but he doesn't want a relationship. We're going to hopefully meet in 2010 (I hope it all works out, you see, like I said, I haven't met him but we both know enough about each other and we're still very close friends) in England. He's going to be in France for university and in the summer I want to go back and visit England as I will be doing so this year anyway, so we might have a chance then. He said he will give me a chance, but for now he just wants to have a normal "teenage" life, or however he put it. Problem is I actually haven't been holding him back, earlier this Autumn/Fall he said he had a date with a girl and I was fine about it, plus he had a girlfriend 2 months before that and I was fine too.


Anyway, everytime he comes close to having a real girlfriend, it fucks up. He had a girlfriend, she didn't want people to know about their relationship, she cheated on him with one of his best friends.


He asked out two girls they said no, he asked out another she said yes but the date didn't happen.


I just hope it continues that way, so he realizes that the only girl for him is me. :P Because, unlike them, I promise him everything, I'd do anything for him, and I care about him so much.



it kinda sounds like hes stringing you along and only wants to talk when he wants to and because you care so deeply for him he knows that he will always have the upper hand in the relationship.

as for him asking out all those girls and them turning him down, i really dont think you should take him back, because he chose to be with other people while you were left in the dust, and after he was turned down he comes crawling back to you and he knows that you would take him back.

you can pm me if you want to talk about more..

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Thanks you guys you're all so kind about it *hugs for all*


it kinda sounds like hes stringing you along and only wants to talk when he wants to and because you care so deeply for him he knows that he will always have the upper hand in the relationship.

as for him asking out all those girls and them turning him down, i really dont think you should take him back, because he chose to be with other people while you were left in the dust, and after he was turned down he comes crawling back to you and he knows that you would take him back.



You're right, you're not the only one who's said that, either....thanks so much Becca.



IDK what to do.



And about the texting thing...ergh....THE BILL. Gosh. :P


Thanks for offering more help, I'll PM you if I need to.



I'm just waiting for him to come back from his little "girly" holiday now...lol...3 days left.

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