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The Sad Thread


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i'm probably the saddest i've been in a long time today. i never get to see the girl i like and shes straight anyway, but whatever. i wish i just got to talk to her at least once in a day. and i've been thinking about her ALOT lately, almost all the time. and then theres my other friend whos starting to drift away from me. we've been best friends since the 4th grade, and we're in 11th now. but i've noticed ever since i came out to her back in june shes been all weird and stuff. but shes fine around my one bi friend and my one gya one. i doubt she'd admit it, but i can tell that she barely wants to talk to me anymore. and nothing happened between us. idk, its jsut really depressing. ok i'm sorry, i'm done now.

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*sighs* This sounds silly, but I've been sad recently cause a random comment by a family member bought up my time at my old secondary school, which was basically the most miserable period of my life.


First off, most of the people there were absolutely horrible to me, and then my best friend of at least 10 years suddenly stops hanging out with me and starts hanging out with these twats round about our third year, and then he starts being horrible to me, and then went and turned everyone else who didn't hate me fully against me, so it felt like it was me against the entire world for the next 3 years.


I've been through better times since, but I still get miserable whenever I think of that period, cause it made me feel like I couldn't rely on other people, so I grew up a virtual loner in a way. :(


Yeah, thanks for reading, if you care.

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Hey man, Crap happens in life. I got alot of rubbish at school as well off of people who thought they were hard, but in my final year i stood up to them and it paid off.

Now im a completely different person to the shy boy i was in school. Im out-going, have loads of friends and im always out at weekends. I never done that at school.


What im trying to say is, Dont dwell on your past dude. Look forward to the future, Cause Whats happened has happened and you cant change it. But you can change the future so its all down to you my friend. You can dwell on the past or you can say "you know, im gonna show them!" :)

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*sighs* This sounds silly, but I've been sad recently cause a random comment by a family member bought up my time at my old secondary school, which was basically the most miserable period of my life.


First off, most of the people there were absolutely horrible to me, and then my best friend of at least 10 years suddenly stops hanging out with me and starts hanging out with these twats round about our third year, and then he starts being horrible to me, and then went and turned everyone else who didn't hate me fully against me, so it felt like it was me against the entire world for the next 3 years.


I've been through better times since, but I still get miserable whenever I think of that period, cause it made me feel like I couldn't rely on other people, so I grew up a virtual loner in a way. :(


Yeah, thanks for reading, if you care.


aww im sorry about that






im sad cause its raining...wow that sounded pathetic.

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This is just reminding me of the friend that i feel im slipping away from :(. Can you believe i havnt saw her since the 1st of January this year? When i walked down to her house at 1am to wish her happy new year.


She's had exams and ive been working and now we're both working. Just feel's we dont have the time for each other anymore and it breaks my heart. Because we were so close that we actually told each other that we loved each other and we even had our own personal song.


Ive tried to meet up with her again but she's always "busy" or "working". i donno what to do anymore and it just saddens me that a once close friendship can just appear to be dwindling away

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