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an unopened letter to the world.


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Dear person,


was it not enough to just have me? was i not good enough to be the person that you need? are you suffering too? i wish i could just be mad at you... it would make things so much easier. one day you'll realize that you do need me, but it will be too late, and I'll be moved on to the person who realized it before you.

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dear you,

please, say smth to me. you might guess, that I can't come up first. you see, I'm too reserved and you have to make the first move, but if you even don't have that in your mind, then... I even can't say, I don't want to see you anymore. I just don't know. do, what you want.


dear self,

stop being so self-consious! that doesn't suit you! make people you like know, that you're not indifferent towards them!.. you know, you behave so, as if they really were. STOP-STOP-STOP! idiot.


dear God,

may I win the contest on Wednesday?.. pleeease?..

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Dear Shane,

I can't take much more of this.

If only you'd seen the amount of "letters" I'd written you.

I miss you so much, I read your stupid survey that you stole from me, where once again you mentioned little things about me, I then saw you were online on msn.

I get my hopes up and say "Hey", that was half an hour ago, you're still online and you still haven't replied.

What have I done?



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Dear Kimberley,

You're a bitch. Seriously. The chavs are right, you're stuck up your own arse.

Get out of there before you realise everyone has left you.

Actually, no, David and Roy won't, you seemed to have brainwashed them to be complete assholes too.

Can't believe I used to count you as a great friend.



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Dear love of my life,

I never thought I'd lose you.You were my life, my everything. My reason for smiling, my reason for looking foward to each day. I loved you with everything I had. Now my sunshine is gone, it's so dark out...I don't know where to go. I'm lost again..How could you do this to me? I wanted you more than anything. I would've given you the world. My heart is broken, and I feel numb inside. I'm like broken glass, only you can fix me. Will you repair the damage, or leave me shattered on the floor?



the girl who use to be you world.





Dear amazing person<3

Don't give up on me, I'm trying!! I owe you one!



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