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an unopened letter to the world.


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Dear bestfriend,

You've always said you wasn't gonna be like all the 'popular' kids, but guess what. You're exactly like them. Okey, people have started to get an interest in you, but does that mean you can't be seen with us anymore? It would be nice if you didn't completely blow us off.

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Dear self,

Don't forget to give Danielle the random book.

Don't forget to take food ingredients.

Don't forget to grief Roy and Kim on their love.

Don't forget to whoop Vova at tetris.

Don't forget to kick shit out of Hayley if she doesn't bring my CD's back.

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Dear strange people in this city,


Why is it that I need to work for you approval? I guess I can't really blame you for that and I guess I can't really ask that...As you've been taught how to righteously hate without you even noticing it. It seems the more I learn about how you guys work, The more....Boring you guys will seem to me. I've narrowed the type of people I'd like to try to be friends with, The low self esteem people. It seems they're the only ones that are so forgiving and the only ones that see no point in arguing about who ever is cool or not.


I do wonder what grabs me sometimes though, Towards the people that really wouldn't care about other people...And again I can't blame them...No one is born with hate, It get's taught. Sometimes I catch myself wondering how it is to be friends with you guys, I bet even I would betray all of my wisdom and morals in time. Then that's when I can happily say that I don't want to be your friend. Is that mean? Have a taught myself how to hate you guys righteously without even noticing it?


I guess my real friends really are like stars. They like to disappear for a long period of time and show up when times are dark....But I know they're there.





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Dear sister

please come home soon. i know you're out with your friends and that, but you're the only person I can go on about how much I'm looking forward to tomorrow cos you're as passionate about them as I am. Hurry up!

Love, nen x

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Dear Arse,

I cannot believe I wasted so much time on you. I'm so mad at you right now! I cannot believe you did that! It hurt really bad. I want you to just forget about me, erase me from every aspect of your life so I can finally move on and be happy. Though i'll never be happy without you. :[


as much as it pains me to say it, i love you.

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Dear You.

Wtf. Seriously, i thought you were over this.

you've landed yourself in hospital, this time.

wake up and realise what you're doing to the rest of us.

it's not fair that i'm mad at you, but i am.

next time you might be reading my letter from beyond the grave, nobody wants that.

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Dear fellow Heath Ledger fans,

It's a year since his untimely death today.

I've just watched 10 Things I Hate About You and found myself smiling everytime he came on screen.

It's so sad and such a waste of life, he was a fantasic talent.

Over the next few days I'm gonna watch more of his films, the likes of Ned Kelly, A Knight's Tale and The Dark Knight.

It won't make any difference to anyone but I think it would be nice...

I just feel so awful that his little girl with grow up without her dad. :(

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Dear Hayley,

I'm so sorry life is being so shit to you.

I felt like crying today when you told me what might happen.

I take for granted having both my parents, both in the same house, both taking care of me.

Cheer up, huh, we have MSI soon. :)

I promise not to grief you about Jam anymore!





Dear Fran & Alice,

I know we haven't got on very well lately.

I don't particularly care anymore if MSI is our last outing together.

But I swear, you'd better be nice to Hayley or so help me I'll kick shit outta your butts.

I don't even wanna be with either of you, but it's my fave band and I want that ticket.



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