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an unopened letter to the world.


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Dear you,


I'm really sorry about hurting you. It was never my intention. I really do love you, I'm just confused and not sure if I want the same things as you right now. I'm still really in love with you know who. ^^ I hate that you felt you couldn't tell me because of him.... You can tell me anything. There are so many bad things that would outweigh the good things in a relationship for us. I'm so confused, I really do love both of you. :/

I feel like I'm leading you on, because I know nothing will ever come of this, but yet for some reason I can't let go of you. I'm flattered that you love me so much, and I appreciate that you told me your feelings, finally. I just really wish you would've told me sooner, I really did like you at one time. Anyway, I never meant to break your heart. I hope you can forgive me one day. I still want us to be friends.


Love you,


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dear me,

as soon as tomorrow is out of the way, start fucking studying. stop pissing about with stuff for art your sheets - it'll all come together when youve got the time. so what if youre teacher says youre capable of getting an A? you dont want a fucking A, you'll be happy with a C.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dear K.K.,


You don't see that I really like you? I can't tell you how I feel if you don't go to school. I know we're a bit different but it doesn't matter. I just want you to know that I love you. I hope you will go to school soon because I miss you so! Everytime when I'm in school I always look for you but I can't find you. The Spanish class the only place where we can talk. But don't be that stupid please! I don't think so you're really interested at computer games, mainly WOW. I just want to be with you and talk to you a lot. Because you're important. I fell in love with you when we first met in the first Spanish class about 1,5 years ago. It's true. Love at first sight. I've tried to forget about you but I've realized I couldn't. You sent me that text message and I fell in love with you again. :/




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Dear boy,

I'm sorry that in these three years, I've never changed my mind and decided to like you back.

But, you know, I do want to be your friend, it makes it hard when you're so awkward with me, when you stare all the time, when you butt into my life, when you listen to all music I like, when you watch all tv shows I like, when you ask my friends about me.

I really hope you succeed in "falling out of love" with me this year, I do. You deserve better.

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Dear Kevin,


Please respond to my messages? I saw that you were online the other day ( live feeds ftw). You can't tell me that you were okay with what I told you and then just not reply to me.

Seriously. It's freakin' me out.







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Dear whoever may remember me,


What's it like? Always oppressing me for your materialistic ways? Now guess who is going to have the last laugh? Who is going to be the one? I was ignored, now I am expanding into something you never thought possible. Good luck sleeping, when you sleep I hope you scream and wake, and when you wake, what I become is going to be you infinite thought.


Ha Ha

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Dear the two bands I listen to most


Please, play a tour at intimate clubs around Britain. I really want to meet all of you. If you did a tour together, it would blow my mind. There is so much I want to say to all of you, but I will never say all of it.




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Dear dad,

thanks for being so supportive of me. It means a lot to me, and your opinions do to. (:

I love you.


Dear you,

thanks for what you said, even though it wasn't exactly what i wanted to hear, it was better than a lot of other things you could've said.

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Dear dad,

thanks for being so supportive of me. It means a lot to me, and your opinions do to. (:

I love you.


Dear you,

thanks for what you said, even though it wasn't exactly what i wanted to hear, it was better than a lot of other things you could've said.

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Dear BF,

I LOVE Alan. Yeah, that Alan. Ive been in love with him since 6t months ago. Yea, i already told him but he thinks i dont like him anymore. And well i told hm when i started dating you so i dont think hes going to take a chance. Well i dont even think he likes me back. But i love him and it kills me that we sit so close to him during lunch, it bothers me to know that im huging you instead of him who i wish i had.

I wish he would ask me out and sorry to say this, but i would break up with you for him.

Dont get me wrong, youre great and i really like you.

But i love him.

This should make you sad/mad and im so sorry about that.

I just want to be REALLY happy. Not pretending to be happy when i walk around with you.




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Dear Kevin,


I think the only time you ever respond to my messages is when it has to do with what you like. I guess I'm okay with that... I mean, I gues I should appreciate you replying at all right?

Meh, whatevs...




Dear dad,


I had a sort of great chat with you. I'm really stoked that you weren't as much of an ass as you were the last time we spoke. Do you realize the last time we officially saw each other was when I was two? That's too long. I'm really glad you stopped hiding behind this petty "clause" and manned up about it... I'm not gonna lie, I feel a bit uncomfortable about it. I mean, you are pretty much a stranger to me. Let's change that, okay?





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dear you,


you're the most selfish person i have ever met.

i hope karma will come back and bite you in the ass in the near future.


sincerly, me.


[ps. im hating you more and more as each day passes by.]



dear dad,


quit giving him second chances. he doesnt deserve it. you know as much

as i do that he'll never change.

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Dear Mean butt,

When are you coming back? I'm tired of just sitting around waiting. I feel bad for talking to him about you, and making you look like a bad guy.. but latley you've been the bad guy. You've hurt me so much these past couple weeks.. yet I still love you. And if you still wanted me, I'd forgive you in a second, even after all this stuff that's happened. I need to move on... but I don't want to. It's like there's this huge gaping hole where you once were, and it's not going to ever heal, at least not until you're back in my life. I need you, more than ever.. please come back.



Pretty butt.

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