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Words do not describe...


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...how I'm feeling right now.


Well, me and my parents were on holiday in London for last week, and we were due to come back yesterday, but at around 6 in the morning there was a knock on the hotel room door. It was the police, and they had some bad news.


My brother had been involved in a horrific car crash on the Friday night. He died instantly at the scene.


There's no words to describe how I felt when I heard those words. It felt as though someone had driven a sledge hammer into my gut, and the look on my mam's face was just heart breaking. We got the first train home that day, and since then it's been an almighty mess. Family have come and gone, we've talked to the police...but it still feels as though this is just a horrible dream and my brother's going to walk through the front door in one piece. But he's not going to, not ever.


The story's even in the local papers, but they haven't released any names yet while the police make an enquiry. Whenever I read it says 'a man died on the scene', I feel so angry. It wasn't a random 'man', it was my brother.


He may have been a pain in the backside half the time, but I still loved him. He wasn't just my brother, he was my best friend. No matter how many stupid things I did, he was always there to help me out.


Those of you who've lost a loved one, I know how you felt now. And I wish I never feel the same way again in my life.

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ug wow. james man, that really is terrible to hear. but i truly do feel for you man. almost two years has passed since i lost someone so dear to me. and up until that point i had never even lost a grandparent, so it was so new to me. i grew up in a really small town and my neighbor turned out to be my closest friend. growing up we always had all the same classes, did all the same sports and everyone just categorized us as a pair. they called us twins, because we even sort of looked alike. he was my best friend, and the "sorta" older brother i never had. even his family took me in when mine was going through some rough patches, and i still to this day go and see them whenever i am home to spend time with them.


i got a call when i was up at a school from a really good friend who was crying uncontrollaby, and when he told me the news i didnt believe him. and so i got off the phone and laid back down...two seconds passed and another friend called me...the same story. after that i called my mother, and just lost it...she told me to come home now, and i disagreed telling her i had class. all day i sat with a blank face in each class, not knowing what to think or how to react. another good friend of both of ours went to college with me, and was in most of my classes...he kept telling me to go home, but it was only tuesday. wednesday i was in class, and i dont know what happened, but i had to get up and go to the bathroom...as i was leaving the bathroom, the professor i had saw me and how much trouble i had to be going through...she asked what was wrong and i just unloaded and told her everything. she told me that school could wait, and my place was at home. i needed to be with his family, and be with the people i love.


but even when i was home, i just didnt know what to do or say, or how to react. i was mad all the time. people would want to talk, and i would always blow them off. people would want to console and tell me that they were so sorry that i no longer had him in my life, but it just made me more mad. at the wake i sat at his closed coffin and just cried and looked at the picture of him and i. people tried to get me to move along, but i brushed them off. why was he driving so fast that night? and why was it biggest damned tree in the world that he had to hit?? i knew deep down it had to be for a reason, but looking at my family and his...and a lot of the close friends we shared...i couldnt find it. and that made me more mad.




james, i feel real bad for you, because i know just how rough this life will be without him in it. i truly hope that you learn to cope with the pain better than i did. because even to this day i am haunted by it. it hurts so bad, and i wish for it to happen to nobody. but that will never ever be possible. someone everyday will feel the pain we both felt. losing a best friend...a brother...a sister...whatever it may be. it always feels the same. all i can tell is to be more open and talkative about it with your family and friends. and try not to get mad at them...because they are only trying to help. i shut myself off for a few months and it really affected a lot of my relationships. but i had no understanding of what was going on or what i was feeling. my prayers go out to you man, and your family. be strong for them, but never think you cant let your guard down...especially now. dont be the way i was.

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Thanks everyone. It really means a lot.


Me and my parents went up to see the spot where the crash happened earlier today, and there's dozens of bunches of flowers and pictures there, from all his friends who've been there to visit already. It's good to know that whever he is now, he had a lot of people who cared about him.


I still can't believe it fully. I do other things to try and take my mind off of it, but it feels as though I'm just going through the motions.

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I can't even begin to imagine how you're feeling right now. In fact, I'm actually crying about it. You're a great guy James and you don't deserve this. I'm really sorry, man. Condolences to you and your family, I wish I could send you something, even a hug!


I'm sorry James, once again.



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