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Have You Tried It?  

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Harry, you don't half talk a lot !! :P


EDIT: oh woah, i completely skipped like 2 pages.


Haha no worries Relic, i kind of read into it when you said "it's scary" but nevermind, that's cool :P


I kind of love this thread a little bit, you know. It's been a while since something this interesting has arrived in these here parts.

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My apologies Jorgi:p

I'm real life I'm pretty shy and quiet actually:rotfl: Anxiety problems and cripplingly low self esteem do not help with handling social situations haha.

I'd be great at debating while drunk, cos I lose my fear of social situations, but unfortunately I just talk crap most of the time when I drink, so that's out haha.

This board seems to lack enough intellectual discussions. It's not a real knock to this place or anything, I love it, the people here are chill and awesome, but it seems it's like people don't want to discuss enough stuff on an in deep level, so whenever a topic like this comes up, I gotta jump on it haha.

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The weed is scary. I get myself scared but that's just the mind and me. So I don't smoke with other people.

I made this thread with you and Lahni in mind. I don't know but you two just seem like you would smoke. Oh and that Defiance guy but he's not been around.


Harry is a coooool guy 8-)

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Kinda weird after posting in this thread, but earlier on today walking to uni a guy spoted my bag which says "work less sleep more" and this made him ask if I smoked weed...and if he could have 2 quid to help him get the train back to liverpool. Of course on the way back from Uni i got stopped again asking if i had any "papers", I swear with my new hat I must look like a bloody dopehead.

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Haha no worries Harry, it wasn't a dig, just a statement ;-)


I kind of feel like i should have more input to this thread, alas the only things i've said were typed when i was smashed and probably don't get my point across as well as i assumed i did at the time, never mind ey !


And Chris, i dunno about Lahni i've only met her once, but i've definitely smoked a couple joints with Alex so that would be a yes ;-) ah, i miss the old PF crew, haha !


As for smoking on your own - we're completely different in that way i think. I only smoke weed with a group of people, to me it's more a social thing. I know this occasionally ends up backfiring as we end up so monged out there's nothing social about the occasion, but on the whole. I have never, and don't really plan to smoke weed (or take any other drug for that matter) on my own, because i think it would be really really weird !

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Just taking a guess! Nothing offensive but you seem the type to be just a walking cartoon when stoned, Like...very animated. As you are here with your wacky dacky fun posts an all. but I kind of tend to get paranoid and I keep to myself.


I'm pretty much two different people. When straight and stoned.


But it's not like I always smoke by myself I just prefer it, Smoking with someone else is always a blast!

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I never toke up by myself either, cos as you say Jorgi, it feels weird.

It seems like a social kinda thing.

Kinda like with drinking, if I have anymore than 2 drinks, I prefer it's when I'm with others.


yeah for sure, even more so with alcohol. i mean like, i'll have a beer if i'm just having a night in with a movie or some wine with dinner or something, but in a general sense i don't drink or smoke or anything on my own. apart from cigarettes but that;s different. fuck off, nicotine (but not really i love nicotine and nicotine loves me <3)


Just taking a guess! Nothing offensive but you seem the type to be just a walking cartoon when stoned, Like...very animated. As you are here with your wacky dacky fun posts an all. but I kind of tend to get paranoid and I keep to myself.



No, when i am stoned i am the epitome of calm and wisdom and the world .


....maybe :shifty:

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When i smoke it kind of depends what plans i make with what people. I have like 3 different groups of people i tend to divide my time between; 1 group i never smoke weed with, ever; another group only very occasionally; and the 3rd, coincidentally the group i skate with, its much more common.


if im going out for like, a night out, be it the pub or clubbing or whatnot, i don't generally smoke weed at all. however i do smoke it if it's allowed at a particular persons house we're going to. and i have spliff or two when out skating. and it then all depends on who i'm with, referring to the above groups. it's a rather complicated system ;-) haha ! i'm going to say twice a week just as a general sweep, but that's not a rule. sometimes i smoke more, sometimes i smoke none at all.


it's like £10 for a tens, £20 for an 8th here, £40 for quarter etc. etc.

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I've pretty much fucked off nicotine from my lifestyle. I haven't bought a pack of cigs in ages (13 months now and still going strong) and now that they raised the prices recently in Australia, I have even less motivation to buy them ever again.

Maybe I'm just a fucking weirdo, but I didn't find quitting cold turkey to be quite the hard and painful road as many have said it is.

Sure, it took me about 5 times, but on that 5 th time, I just said "Fuck it, no more smoking cigs on a regular basis anymore" and I just did it like that, snap.


Yeah, there are some positives to smoking cigs, but ultimately, I couldn't justify spending money on a habit that would give me such a high chance of a really early death when I've got other interests like music which where I can be spending my money (like getting guitar strings for my guitar, buying music etc).

Strangely enough, I found smoking seemed to have almost no effect on my fitness at all. I remember at school we had to do this 12 minute run thing, and I did the whole thing non stop and, beating all these guys that played football, even though I was a smoker lol. I think only about one guy ran further than me haha. I pretty much was at the top, or in the top 3 for most of the other fitness tests as well.

I must just be a general fucking weirdo though haha.


As I said in my first post in this thread, it's usually a twice monthly or once a month even for me to get stoned.

Once I do it, the next day I'll never really have any desire to want to do it again. There is no craving, no addiction that tells you to come back for more.

I'll easily wait another month without smoking any, and I'm not bothered in the slightest.

If you want more, smoke some in 6 months time, or the next day, doesn't matter, it doesn't seem to be a drug that locks you into addiction easily at all.

People could be around me smoking it, but if I don't feel like it, I just don't smoke.

If I feel like it, then I do


I'm a cheap fuck to be honest and never pay for my weed.

And even if I had to, I know a dude that will sell it to me for 5 dollars a gram, which is 1/3 to 1/4 of the usual price per gram.

Some people try to charge 25 dollars per gram or more. At that price, it's either gotta be totally amazing, or you're getting ripped off.

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Look, I don't mean to get defensive..


But.. my cousin died in a car accident where a driver hit him head on.

He was 17.


They found out that the driver was high on marijuana.


Trust me, I'm never going to do it.


Funny, because I've been in cars with people that smoked weed just prior to getting behind the wheel.

And I'm not dead.

In fact, I'd go so far to say his driving skill was basically no different to when he he's not on pot.

It's all about how high you get, and how much it actually effects.

It's not like alcohol where the effects are almost a known quantity to pretty much anyone that drinks it.

Some people get high, and are dumb as fuck and shouldn't be allowed to live, let alone drive a car, others just get too high, others are perfectly fine when they smoke and get in a car and drive.


Alcohol, different story, makes you a sloppy as fuck driver, and generally, sloppy and slow as fuck to do anything.

Because I am a crappy pathetic lump, I'm 21 and still don't own a car, but the amount of times I've nearly fucked myself up while riding my bike home from parties after hitting the booze hard, oh boy.

I never do that anymore ( because I've grown up a bit since then, I was 16-17 around that time), because I'll admit it was a total dumb fuck thing to do which was putting myself and others at risk.

Smoke pot, and ride my bike, or ride my skateboard while high, different story.

I could appear to be totally out of it, laughing my ass off at dumb things, but I would get on my skateboard and just skate around the skate park as per normal.

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I've pretty much fucked off nicotine from my lifestyle. I haven't bought a pack of cigs in ages (13 months now and still going strong) and now that they raised the prices recently in Australia, I have even less motivation to buy them ever again.

Maybe I'm just a fucking weirdo, but I didn't find quitting cold turkey to be quite the hard and painful road as many have said it is.

Sure, it took me about 5 times, but on that 5 th time, I just said "Fuck it, no more smoking cigs on a regular basis anymore" and I just did it like that, snap.


Yeah, there are some positives to smoking cigs, but ultimately, I couldn't justify spending money on a habit that would give me such a high chance of a really early death when I've got other interests like music which where I can be spending my money (like getting guitar strings for my guitar, buying music etc).

Strangely enough, I found smoking seemed to have almost no effect on my fitness at all. I remember at school we had to do this 12 minute run thing, and I did the whole thing non stop and, beating all these guys that played football, even though I was a smoker lol. I think only about one guy ran further than me haha. I pretty much was at the top, or in the top 3 for most of the other fitness tests as well.

I must just be a general fucking weirdo though haha..


In my first 2 weeks at Uni I smoked a 20 pack a day, just cos I could. But now, when I'm sober, the smell of smoke disgusts me for some reason...but when I'm drunk I can't stop lol

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Well, I agree that personally I would never drive under the influence of anything, but if other people wanna do it, whatever, it's their choice.

It's not the best choice by any stretch of the imagination though and I'd rather that no driver at all drives with anything in their system.

Driving is a uber complicated task, and I figure since hopefully I'll own a car in about 12 months, I better just get used to being sober more since by law, on your probation driving license in Australia (probation lasts 3 years), if you are caught with ANY alcohol in your system while behind the wheel, you're fucked.

I can imagine the penalty for having drugs in your system is pretty harsh too.

And given the amount of people I know that have been in car accidents, I'm not gonna bother ever taking the risk speeding or driving under the influence.

My main concern with smoking pot and then driving is that I'd be too busy laughing at shit and not actually concentrating on the road haha.

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i haven't tried it and i don't plan on ever trying it. idk, i mean, what's the point? most people i know do drugs and get drunk on a regular basis and that's fine i don't really care but that's just not for me. no offense to anybody but i feel like there are better ways to spend my time. plus, i don't want to do anything that is bad for me. i long, healthy life sounds good to me...oh yeah and it's illegal here.


So tell me, someone that exercises regularly and eats well, but maybe smokes pot once a month and maybe drinks a few weeks a week, versus a "straight edge" person who eats nothing but processed junk food, doesn't exercise and is obese.

Who do you think is going to live longer?

You need to get rid of this misconception that pot smokers can't take of their health.

I've met plenty of straight edgers that, apart from not smoking, not drinking etc, were pretty terrible when it came to looking after their health and look like they'll be dead before the age of 50 if they continue to gorge on food the way they do.

I've met some pot smokers that are fitness fanatics and are always careful about what they eat.

I can assure you, as both a drinker and pot smoker, I am fitter than probably a great deal of the population, I happen to fall within a healthy weight range whereas about 26 per cent of the population here in Australia are obese (a study conducted in April this year showed Australian's to be even fatter than Americans now) and another good chunk of Australians are overweight, I eat very well and I exercise regularly and for good periods of time.

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I honestly don't believe that OCCASIONAL pot usage is that bad.

I know this from my sister.

She does pot maybe 1-2 a month and she's an A college student.

It's when you ABUSE it is when the problems start.


Hit the nail on the head. Everything (most things) in moderation- even moderation

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So tell me, someone that exercises regularly and eats well, but maybe smokes pot once a month and maybe drinks a few weeks a week, versus a "straight edge" person who eats nothing but processed junk food, doesn't exercise and is obese.

Who do you think is going to live longer?

You need to get rid of this misconception that pot smokers can't take of their health.

I've met plenty of straight edgers that, apart from not smoking, not drinking etc, were pretty terrible when it came to looking after their health and look like they'll be dead before the age of 50 if they continue to gorge on food the way they do.

I've met some pot smokers that are fitness fanatics and are always careful about what they eat.

I can assure you, as both a drinker and pot smoker, I am fitter than probably a great deal of the population, I happen to fall within a healthy weight range whereas about 26 per cent of the population here in Australia are obese (a study conducted in April this year showed Australian's to be even fatter than Americans now) and another good chunk of Australians are overweight, I eat very well and I exercise regularly and for good periods of time.

Opinionated muthafucker indeed. Why are you comparing a moderate user of marijuana to the king sized black hole for bigmacs as if that's an accurate description of someone who doesn't use marijuana? Get this; I don't smoke, but I'm still in good shape. Yes, it is possible. What the hell Harry? Unless you're going to argue that smoking is somehow good to your health, I don't really see how Katie has misconceptions about it. Sure, junk food isn't healthy, but has anyone said that it is?

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