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I googled them again and I found this interiview that was done by Suburban Roads Magazine. It's from July 2006 so it's fairly old. but it made me giggle so I thought I you guys would enjoy it too.




July 8, 2006

Paramore – Hayley Williams, Josh Farro


C = Cath, H = Hayley, J = Josh


C: For the record, can you state your name and what you do in the band?

H: Hey, I’m Hayley. I sing.

J: I’m Josh, I play guitar.


C: How would you describe your music to someone who has never heard it before?

H: I’d say it’s energetic, emotional, and fun.

J: I agree.

H: Yes! Spot on!


C: What’s the best thing, in your opinion, about being in a band?

J: Just being able to play music every day. That’s it.

H: It’s pretty simple.


C: You guys played some dates on Warped Tour last year. How have things changed for you, as a band, since then?

H: Last year it was kinda funny because we got on the tour really late. We played the Shira Stage, and we were just tiny. I felt like we were not so much a part of the tour, but sort of following it around. This year, I actually feel like we’re a big part of it. We know a lot more people from last year, and it’s more like a family this year. Not to mention the kids are just … our fan base has grown quite a lot and it’s just so cool to see.


C: A lot of people have commented on the young age of some of the people in the band. Do you think that the age of band members could affect their level of performance?

J: I can say this, because I’m older in the band. I don’t think it can affect it. Well, I think it can if you’re young, but like… Zac’s 16 but he’s probably one of the best drummers I’ve ever seen. Hayley is only 17, but she’s got one of the best voices I’ve ever heard. So I don’t know. They are just really gifted.


C: I know the music business is pretty male-dominated. How does it make you feel to know that you are inspiring more girls to go out there and start up bands?

H: It’s really cool. I mean, it’s a responsibility that I guess, whether I ever wanted it or not, I can’t ignore it. It’s pretty cool to know that even if it’s just my age that is inspiring, that younger kids are looking at our band and being like, “Wow, if they can do it then that means that it is possible”. It’s a nice feeling and it’s a big responsibility.


C: How do you balance school and the band?

H: I just graduated!

J: Everybody’s graduated except for Zac. He does home schooling on the road.

C: Are you going to go to college?

H: I might, I don’t know. I’m not going to physically go, but I may take courses online. I haven’t figured out what I want to do, or what I’m that interested in, but it will be something to do with art. I’m really interested in that. If not a regular college course, I want to do something with cosmetology or something cool like that.

C: What about you, Josh? Are you in college or…

J: Oh uh, no. We don’t have time for college, really. I would go if I were home, definitely. But if I went, I don’t know what I would study. I guess I would just get the basic courses out of the way and see what happens. I’d like to study music theory.

H: Yeah!

J: That’s always interesting.


C: Do you have a backup plan for if the band ever ends?

J: Yea, sort of. If the band ended, I might form another band on the side. I’d still be in the music business, because I love it so much.

H: I think the main thing is that we have to be smart about it. You should have some sort of back up plan, because that’s just smart - smart in business and smart in music. I think we don’t really give ourselves the option of failing, though. It may sound bold and almost ignorant, but you just can’t give yourself that option.


C: If you could choose any animal to be Paramore’s mascot, what would it be and why?

J & H: Penguins!

J: Because they’re short, like us.

H: They’re short and they’re cuddly.

J: Like Zac.


C: What are your plans for after Warped Tour is through?

J: We have a headlining tour and we’re taking out Cute Is What We Aim For, Hit The Lights, and This Providence. We’re just going to tour around the US.


C: If you were stuck on a deserted island with no food and no one but your band members, who would you eat first and why?

J & H: ZAC!

J: He’s got the most meat, probably.

H: Yea, Zac’s a meaty dude. Rawrrr! Big beast.


C: Closing statements?

J: Uhm… We love you.

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but he's still growing. isn't he still going thru puberty? his voice still cracks a lot. but yeah even though his height is "average" for a guy i think that it would be more appropriate to relate a shorter person to a penguin. but zac sure is cuddly :D

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but he's still growing. isn't he still going thru puberty? his voice still cracks a lot. but yeah even though his height is "average" for a guy i think that it would be more appropriate to relate a shorter person to a penguin. but zac sure is cuddly :D


Yeah, like Hayley. Except she's as skinny as a twig so that wouldn't work. lol. None of them are penguin-like. xD

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but he's still growing. isn't he still going thru puberty? his voice still cracks a lot. but yeah even though his height is "average" for a guy i think that it would be more appropriate to relate a shorter person to a penguin. but zac sure is cuddly :D



Rofl, 16 is way past puberty. Puberty is 13. Voice cracking at 16 probably doesn't have anything to do with puberty and more or less the way he talks that sometimes slips.

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