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Rant Thread II


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My Dad's redoing the bathroom.

Unfortunatly, "redoing the bathroom" only entails him knocking everything down very noisily with a rather large sledgehammer. The bathroom is right next to my room. I do not think my eardrums will ever be the same.


Crikey, one might say.

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Its not only high school that has drama, I thought it would be over in my 20s but no, I had supposed friends, they stopped calling me etc and then I found out last year that actually one of them never really liked me, we were drunk and she told me she´d never liked me til that moment and do you know why? Because we were drunk and I stooped to her level that night, I had to be at her sad sad level to be liked... So anyway I said how I felt and how it was wrong and they turned on me, said I was a headcase and imagining it all. I missed out on an entire summer waiting to see if theyd call but they were too busy partying and then if I went out with someone else theyd get angry with me lol. So Im still bitter and angry, I think I always will be. The worst part is one of them is my cousin..my family so its hard. But yes, drama goes on forever. I hate drama, always have, Ive always just let people continue with their slagging matches and stayed neutral. Its all so childish lol. Argh.

Some people may never grow out of it but dont worry, just avoid them.

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that could technically be considered harrassment, so i'd defidently tell.



edit: my rant: my mom just had surgery and is gonna be in the hospital for a couple days. everything went well so i'm not worried about that. but for dinner i'm going to my grandmoms tonight, and she's making us potato pancakes. and i love those. but so did my grandpop, and going to his house when he's not there is depressing.... =\

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so, my "rant" is no where near anything terrible or as strong as some of y'all here (large amounts of <3s thrown to everyone in this thread, by the way), however, i'm going to continue worrying nevertheless!


...in approximately 12 hours an obscure doctor is going to poke and prod at my ankle and tell me if i'll ever be able to skate/snowboard ever again.

and i'm terrified he's going to say no.


that is all.

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I was watching some of the Vans videos from that site. Jeez, some of those dudes could skate.

And that guy you want to meet from your myspace. That bomb drop was freaking RIDICULOUS. Seriously. He could've broken a leg, or ankle, or arm, or neck, or back, or w/e and he kept trying. Freaking ridiculous.

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The Vans one with my fabulous orange skinny jeans ? hahaa.


And Kristos andrew drum, that is exactly why he fascinates me so much. it's also amazing, not only that he's trying it, but that he thought to try it ?!

"oh, here's a big wall, next to some stairs, behind some more stairs, hmmmn, i know what, let's jump off it !"


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Kristos is a beast among mere peons though. I could watch Kristos skate every day for the rest of my life (not constantly) and be completely content. I couldn't watch Sheckler for more than like 3 months. Even that is pushing it.




Rant: Why doesn't Alexisonfire have more albums? they are incredible!

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Kristos is a beast among mere peons though. I could watch Kristos skate every day for the rest of my life (not constantly) and be completely content. I couldn't watch Sheckler for more than like 3 months. Even that is pushing it.




Rant: Why doesn't Alexisonfire have more albums? they are incredible!


you recommend alexisonfire?

i meant to check 'em out a while back but never got the chance too.

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