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an unopened letter to the world.


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dear .


im generally happy today, but ive realised im happy to leave you behind, no text from you today, no nothings. its like you dont even remember me or know who i am. you're not there for me anymore. but il get over it. it just sucks that you have time for everyone else bar me.


ah well.


christmas was amazing, and eastenders too


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Dear 'rents,

I still cannot believe you got me a brand new laptop. I seriously didn't believe I'd get a second hand shitty one, nevermind an awesome brand new one, with webcam. Ahh, I love you guys so much. I did anyway, but still, this is amazing.



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Dear self,

Face it, things will change this year.

You'll be moving, hating EVERY minute of it, but for your own good, you need to make something out of it.

The way you're dealing with it now (not) isn't getting you anywhere.

It's for the best, for your and your family's sake, it can not go on like this.

Set your priorities straight in the next couple of days please?

This house needs to get sold. Your dad still needs to get a shitload of money.

You'll finally get your money back. HOPEFULLY you'll mam will seek some help.

It's not all about the money, but this all makes things so much more difficult.




Dear _,

Do you have any idea how much you mean to me?

If I'd never met you, I seriously have no idea what I'd be like right now.

Thanks so much, I can't wait to go to a kick ass concert again, haha.




Dear brother,


Do you think I enjoy this or something? :roll:




Dear Grandmom,

Thanks for almost making me cry on Christmas day.

It's not like I CHOSE this, alright?

Please fuck off if you think it's funny.




Dear Nana,

I love you lots :kiss:

Hopefully I can stay over again soon :)




Dear Britt,

Awh you are so lovely.

Even though I lost the cow racing game by 3-1..

PWN hahahaha.

When I went to see Paramore (y'know, that band that have that clip with the woman in the blue dress that you like so much..) and I saw Hayley on stage, I thought of you.

You always pull an identical face like she did :rotfl:

Please come and stay over for a weekend?




Dear Dad,

I fairly enjoyed Christmas, thanks for not asking me what I'd bought with my money, that would've been quite fucked up and would've probably ended with me crying hahaha.

Sometimes I wish we could spend more time together..

When you got pissed off at us for not knowing what we wanted for Christmas, I almost peed my pants.

You said 'Oh, So I have 2 kids who have EVERYTHING they want?'

I wish you'd knew me better and knew what I really really wanted..




Dear stepmom,

Weird you didn't came to say Hi.

Oh well.




Dear _,


I wasn't expecting a text whatsoever, but I would've never thought you'd start texting me again.

:rotfl: at me writing you a letter on here a couple of weeks ago.

I'm sure I would've loved your sweet texts etc etc a year ago, but I'm over you.



PS, I do not drink. Respect it.


Dear self,

You spam this thread.



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Dear mam,

Thanks for totally ruining my good mood. I've had a nice, peaceful night until you come in. I get it, you're in a bad mood, don't take it out on me. I gave dad the money, I didn't say a word. Stop making it out like I was bitching about it. You wind me up so much. I was just sitting down to eat some supper but I've brought it upstairs because I cannot be bothered with you. Thanks, really.



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