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an unopened letter to the world.


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dear mr shinks,

please don't shout at me when i fail this algebra test tomorrow. it's not my fault i really don't understand it.



dear erinnnnn! <3

I still love you no matter how much you mock me and my Britishness :)

Rachley <33

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Dear ____,

You don't have the eyes to see what's going on around you. You seem to lack the capability of discernment. Are you aware of what you're doing to yourself? And all for what? Nothing, I tell you. You're wasting your life away and becoming so involved with these people whom you don't even know whether you may trust or not. Honestly, I'd tell you that no one is to be trusted, but especially these people. They're taking over your life and I feel you're in danger. You ARE in danger, don't you see that?

This has been haunting me for some time now, but just this week has it really revved up. My stomach churns for you and your safety, for you and your future, for you and your common sense. What's happening to you? You're shifting into someone I never knew. Are you in a slump? Seventeen years I've known you and I know when you're in a slump and kid, this is one of them. But this is a slump unlike any others before.

Please, wake up. I now have two siblings to worry about and it weighs heavily on a person, don't you know? Wake the hell up!!!






Dear _______,

Get well soon, please. Class feels so empty without you and we're all praying for you. The chemotherapy is ravaging your body, but I know that you can overcome it. I've never seen the faith in anyone else that you possess. You're amazing, incredible. You've got the spiritual strength to match over a thousand men and it hasn't failed. Please, get well. I'm praying for you, buddy. Please, just get well and beat this cancer, please!

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Dear Mr.Hinkson,


It's been over a month, but it still seems like it just happened yesterday. We used to be the closest people ever, and everyone knew it. We always had the best times together in your class. I can remember you whistling down the hallway, and me making faces at you. We always knew how to make each other laugh.

I still remember when we took that trip to Hershey in 2008 for chorus, and you're wife had just given birth to Makayla. I told you how in 12 years, she would be just like me, and I remember you saying "oh gee, can't wait!" in that sarcastic way. It was little times like that that could always put smiles on our faces. Speaking of, your smile. Your smile lit up the room, no matter how gloomy the situation. Everytime I saw you smile, I always grinned from ear to ear.

I also remember how I did everything to drive you insane because I wanted your attention. Like when I was really sick and I just came in a layed across the floor. You were always the most caring, understanding person and everyone loved you for it, especially me.

I always thought it was strange how I get along with adults more than I do teenagers. Well, you made me feel like I wasn't an outsider for it. You treated me like a person, not just some weird kid.

You were always so happy, again with that smile in tact. With all your pictures of Makayla on your board. Man, she has your eyes. Big, beautiful eyes. Your transformers action figures all over the room, which you remember I loved touching, which I know annoyed you to no end. Singing Britney Spears, and telling us in that funny voice "don't break my stuff"

I never thought I'd have to go through anything like this, especially with you. It's not fair. Ya know, people always compliment people after they have died, but everything I have said is true from the bottom of my heart. It really is still killing me inside. I still don't believe you are gone. I didn't even think it was true, until I walked up to your lifeless body in that church. I hoped I'd never have to see you like that, but it helped me realize that it was real. I've never missed anyone as much as I miss you. I just needed to write this, even if it is on the internet, but you knwo that I'm thinking it everyday. I love you, I miss you, and I just want you to know; Thank you, for everything.


Love, Erin.

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