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an unopened letter to the world.


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Dear mam,

Maybe you are right. Maybe spending all my time on pf isn't worth it. If I left, they'd all forget me within a few days. I'm just wasting my time and my life. Thing is, I don't exactly have anything else to do if I do give it up. I really need some escape. I know you only said I need mental help because you were angry, but maybe you're right. Growing attatched to people I've never met? People who I never will meet? People who are probably just lying fakes anyway? Urgh, I really need to give my head a shake.



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You know yourself, in your own actual heart, that is not true, people here genuinely care about you, and genuinely regard you as a friend, and that includes me! :hug:




and count me in :D!


Dear B,

This week was so good, it was better than i expected it to be.

You're so nice, and this week meant so much to me.

(I cried when the bus drove away, you know :oops:)

You and your friends are awesome, and i can't wait to see you again!


Love, Demi.

Ps; Kurwa :rotfl:

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Dear friend,

Why is it that as soon as you start going out with Liam, you start acting like a super bitch? I know he has a habit of teasing people, but you encourage him and even join in! You have no idea that sometimes the things you do really hurt me. I've told you time and time again that you're starting to get on my nerves but no, you don't listen. You never liked him before and you're probably just pretending you do now for just the sake of having a boyfriend. You're both as bad as each other. He had just been dumped by his girlfriend for a week before he asked you out! Who in their right minds would say yes to that? At least I have the patience to wait until I'm ready to have a boyfriend, unlike you who would say yes to anyone. Geez, I don't know why I even bother.



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Dear mam,

Maybe you are right. Maybe spending all my time on pf isn't worth it. If I left, they'd all forget me within a few days. I'm just wasting my time and my life. Thing is, I don't exactly have anything else to do if I do give it up. I really need some escape. I know you only said I need mental help because you were angry, but maybe you're right. Growing attatched to people I've never met? People who I never will meet? People who are probably just lying fakes anyway? Urgh, I really need to give my head a shake.




that's not true :mrgreen:

i still can remember of a few people who used to be on here.. :)

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Dear Christiaan,


You make me laugh, I ask you a question you give me a blunt but true answer then I re-phrase the same question - changing just one word - and you give me a completely different answer, which was awesome and expected :mrgreen:


Signed, me

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Dear self,

There is no other way out of this now. You're going to have to take the plunge and start going out again. If they see you and start shouting things across the street and threatening you, so be it. Apparently, going out, being bored and being unhappy is more important than being safe at home talking to your friends. I just don't know who to go to and where I can go. I despise this town and almost everyone in it.



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Dear Self,


Get rid of him. He's a clingy jerk who is starting to get a little controlling. I mean, who cares if you hang out with other guys? you know that you're no fooling around with them. You know better than to let some guy tell you who you can and can't hang out with.



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Dearest person,

I know you hate me.. and I dunno why, cause I've never done anything to you.. ever. I'm sorry you feel this way. But oh well.. get over it I guess, because I'm not going anywhere, ever. So either learn to deal with me, or back the feck off.




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Dear every fangirl to ever walk this earth,


I'd really appreciate it f you DIDN'T use 100 Monkeys' Myspace as an outlet to confess you're "undying" love for Jackson Rathbone. I get it, you like him. Think he's sexy. Me too. But it doesn't mean I'm gonna leave CoMmEnTs LyKe DiS sAyInG HaU mUcH i LuV hIm.

He's an artist. Not a God. So please stop treating him like one.



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Yo Crabtree,

Why are you such a creeper?! I don't see why Candi's paper got such a better grade than mine, actually you always give her a better grade than me. And I do know why.. and frankly I find it just a little bit sick. Please stop perving over her and grade our shit for real.




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Dear Karley,


I'm not gonna let you stay at my house anymore. I already got in trouble for you coming over without anyone knowing. Including me. I'm sick of you calling me wanting me to feel bad for you when it was YOUR choice to go to that show. Your mom CLEARLY said no and you still left. So please stop making me feel like I've done something wrong by not inviting you to my house for "one night" which I know you'd ask to stay another night and another night and another night... It's just not gonna fly.



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