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isclaimer: i'm not depressed. i'm actually severely happy. [17 Aug 2008|02:03am]

[ mood | sleepy ]


but... i was just thinkin about life. i was thinkin a little about "fame" and "celebrity" (what a great nsync record). this is not about to be some crazy profound thing. you're not going to get smarter nor will i look much smarter to you after reading this post... i'm just saying, i was thinkin... and i wanted to write about it.


the past year and a half has not been easy or hard. honestly, i can't remember much of it because it went by too fast for me to understand what was actually going on. it still surprises me when i hear one of our songs on the radio or see a picture of us in a magazine. i still don't get why the hell someone would care to have one of our signatures on something of theirs haha. on a daily basis, we are asked, if not by a journalist then by a fan, what it feels like to be famous and yet i still draw a blank every time. because, to me, we are just the same. the only true difference between the life we lived before riot and the life we live now is that every little thing. every. insignificant. thing. that we do is cared for in some way. whether it be concern, obsession, hate, a genuine interest or delight... everyone has their opinion and we hear them all at some point. i really don't mind listening. yes, it can get old. it can be humorous or enraging or just plain sad... nothing changes the fact that there's always someone out there coming up with new theories about us, new ideas so that they can get a grip or put a handle on who we are. i might sound bitter but actually i'm just a little bit fascinated. i still haven't really figured out what it means to be known of but not understood in any way shape or form. i could fill a hundred pages of lyrics, poetry, broken thoughts and still never be understood even the slightest. it's a good thing. i just don't get it yet.


life has never been so exciting and so wonder-full. the greatest part is not understanding it. not being able to tell what's next. everyone wants what they can't have but when i look back on days i thought i wanted something completely different than all of this - i can see how stupid that was. how selfish i was to ever try putting myself in someone else's story. (neverending stooryyyyy!!! ... sorry).


to sum up these scattered thoughts i would like to say this: when we think we know people inside out and we think we know what's best for them we should try to remember we don't even know what's best for ourselves.









Everything below this I wrote, not the band.



Holy shit, that last paragraph is a fucking epic statement.

Quote of the fucking century.

Edit: Sorry for the language. :(

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They do say ignorance is bliss :).


I do agree on what Hayley says, "every little thing. every. insignificant. thing. that we do is cared for in some way. whether it be concern, obsession, hate, a genuine interest or delight..."


i mean, famous people do what we do everyday. they eat, they brush their teeth, they take dumps, they exercise... but when famous people do it, everyone goes, OMG, THEY DO THAT TOO?


haha, idk, just my opinion :)

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Nice post. I'm sure all of this success could be overwhelming. It's not easy for people this young aren't supposed to deal with their every move and thought being analyzed. But unfortunately this is what comes with greatness. Professional athletesgo through the same thing. My advice to the band is to focus on your passion, the reason you became a band. Try to develop a thick skin and don't worry about whether fans or media like your piercing. If your happy with it that's all that matters. Don't spread yourselves so thin that doing concerts id no longer fun anymore. PARAMORE is something special and your fans want you guys to last forever..... So remember guys HAVE FUN, sad don't sweat everyone elses thoughts or opinions!!!!

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i've been thinking a lot about life too. its senior year for me and it didnt really hit me until last night. I was marching in this parade at an amusement park, i've been doing it since i started high school and as soon as we finished i couldn't help but think how thats the last time i get to do that. Then all the seniors got together and sang that graduation song by vitamin c. I kinda wanted to cry a little.

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