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1). Please no inapproiate and/or hateful content.

2). Please respect everyones opinions. I know people are very opinionated in this election but please don't resort to name calling.

3). Basically don't abuse this thread.


Nice flounce. :roll:


Would it not make sense to say those who are duped into believing anything any political candiate says are the ignorant ones, as opposed to the ones that refuse to believe a single word they say?


I am proud to live in this country. I'm proud of the fact we had the largest empire ever that that covered almost half the globe, I'm proud of our history, our victories in war, I'm proud of our landscapes, our army, our green countrysides, I like my country. I hate the people who run it, not the country.

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my post was not hateful and i was respectful. i used a ben franklin quote for godsakes.




i was just saying all you have to do is nt vote if you dont want to. not right FUCK YOU on the ballot. people like me take politics seriously. just because you think presidents are lieing about EVERYTHING doesnt mean i think they are. i believe that we all have to put what we must in to this election. obama and mccain are people with very different views. some views better and more suffient then others.

obama fo yo mama.

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people like you are the reason our country is being run by idoits.


yesss, very true!


"we are all born ignorant but it takes a lot of work to remain stupid." - benjamin franklin.



haha i love that quote!

shoulda used it as my senior quote! lol

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Yes, respectful by calling me ignorant. Logic?


Many of those views are tailored to match the views of the people they think will be voting for them. What politicians say, and what they actually think are two very seperate things.


I write "FUCK YOU!" because it sends a very clear message that's very hard to misinterprate.

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either way, government is corrupt. full of lies and backstabbing.

what ya gotta figure out is who will do less of the lying and backstabbing, and more of the helping our country.

so if i had to pick, itd be mccain.

obama is a muslim, went to a church that preached anti-american values, wont put his hand on his heart during the national anthem, among many other things.

he is in no way suited to lead this country.

mccain on the other hand was a POW and was offered to be released but refused and waited until the other american soldiers were freed.

now THAT in itself should be enough to win him the election.


but if obama gets in i have a feeling he will be dead within six months, too many racist people in our country who will not rest until our first black president is dead.

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i copied this straight from yahoo answers (hahaha) but I agree with it completely.

It's Pro-McCain, btw.


"If McCain were running for office in a country whose People want to experience all the excitement of 20th century European experiences with totalitarianism and socialism (which are much less enjoyable in reality than in the coffee-house or on the internet) rather than the good things about American society and culture, he would not be formidable. This is because many of those people would rather defend a position they chose because of hatred (likely for Bush) rather than because of good intentions.


Obama lacks the experience necessary to be President, pure and simple.

He's spent very little time in the Senate, and has not a single bill, law, or initiative at which to point. What little he's actually done (voted for) is very liberal, and therefore very foolish, to a good 60% of the electorate.


There are also serious questions about his judgement - "black rage?" We deserved 9-11? These are the words of his spiritual mentor, the man who gave him the phrase "the audacity of hope."

Audacious, yes. Hopeful, no. Charming as Obama is, this is wrong wrong wrong for anyone, especially for our president.


Most of America (over 60%) is white. I'm sorry so many of Mr Obama's supporters dislike whites, but I'm not voting for a bigot of any color, nor for anyone who doesn't heatedly disavow a rabid anti-Semite like Louis Farrakhan.


And I think a lot of voters feel the same way.


We need unity, not division. We need patriotism, not contempt. We do not need Al Sharpton or other race hustlers fanning the flames on either side.


Obama is, quite simply, a young man who'd very much like to be President.

But FDR he is not, and he and his wife seem to have a barely concealed, undeservedly snooty dislike of America. (Guns and God are for idiots? Nice.)


McCain is highly qualified to be President and has been tested and found worthy on many occaisions over many years. He's a true consensus builder, a moderate, and a talented legislator, diplomat, and leader."

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I like the way everyone ignored the fact that Sanguis is British lol

but if obama gets in i have a feeling he will be dead within six months, too many racist people in our country who will not rest until our first black president is dead.

I think if McCain got in, he'd be dead just as quick. Not murdered, just dies cause of his age. I don't know how old he is, but he just doesn't look like he'd last the full... four years is it til the next election? And then who would be President? Palin. Who has less experience than Obama does.


You just can't win really with this presedential election. But then again it's the same here with the elections in the UK too.

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i really hope Obama wins cos i can't stand Sarah Palin. she's a animal-killing homophobe who spends $150,000 on hair, clothes and make-up while the world is in a financial crisis. if anything happens to mccain she'll be president and that is a scary thought.


that's my opinion and i hope people respect that.

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i really hope Obama wins cos i can't stand Sarah Palin. she's a animal-killing homophobe who spends $150,000 on hair, clothes and make-up while the world is in a financial crisis. if anything happens to mccain she'll be president and that is a scary thought.


that's my opinion and i hope people respect that.


I love you for saying this!


And um what does obama being Muslim have to do with anything? That's just what he believes in and you can't say he wouldnt be a good leader because he's Muslim. That's just stupid


And I still haven't figured out what mccains going to do cause all ive heard is things you think obama would do.

Well then what's McCain going to do?

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I'm pro-mccain, but very very very very very against sarah palin. So i'm in a bit of a rut as to who would (theoretically but actually not at all because i can't vote) get my vote.


I'm down with Obama just because i think he'll be good for America- not necessarily on the political front (his policies actually suck) but on the social aspect...


God i don't even know, in my opinion neither mccain or obama will be what the USA (or rather, the world) needs...

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