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Rant Thread - Part 5


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My friends, they just blow my mind. They're the smartest, most intelligent in the year grade-wise, but outside of their class schedule, they seem to be ignorant about everything. Ignorant about wars, politics, religion, ignorant about everything outside of America, as if it's the only country that exists.


They're the cleverest but ironically they have the stupidest conversations, about stupid, immature stuff like sexual stuff, shaving, all these stupid things, you wouldn't believe. It's not even funny...it's just pathetic. And when they do talk about serious stuff, they're stubborn and they won't budge when I tell them when they're wrong about something, just because I'm from Europe and there's stuff that I know that they don't. Can't they just realize that they're wrong about stuff? Is it hard to admit?


Ignorance is not bliss. It just isn't. Why do people here want to live in ignorance? Just say "I don't know" and let the answer be told to you, don't pretend you know just because you don't wanna say you don't know it. It just isn't right...



And I'm on PMS, so I've been snappy yesterday and today. Yesterday I didn't study at all, and I have my final exams next week. My Dad yelled at me. :/ and today he was still whining about it. Of course, he doesn't understand. But I told my Mum and she wasn't sympathetic with me. I get really bad PMS, like every symptom you can imagine. It's horrible.


And there's other stuff that's really worrying me.







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Finnnnnnally got a repeat prescription for penicillin.


I've still got tonsilitis. It floors me. My throats aching, which hurts my whole face, and I am constantly so tired. I just woke up, its 7.20pm, and I was posting here about 40 minutes ago, then I lay down for a minute and I was gone. I've been going to bed at 9pm, sleeping til 9 then napping throughout the day, and on maximum painkillers. It's been about 4 weeks, eugh I hate it.

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Finnnnnnally got a repeat prescription for penicillin.


I've still got tonsilitis. It floors me. My throats aching, which hurts my whole face, and I am constantly so tired. I just woke up, its 7.20pm, and I was posting here about 40 minutes ago, then I lay down for a minute and I was gone. I've been going to bed at 9pm, sleeping til 9 then napping throughout the day, and on maximum painkillers. It's been about 4 weeks, eugh I hate it.


That sucks. :hug:

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This is fucking ridiculous.

I can't find my MP3 player anywhere. And I'm driving out to Vancouver tomorrow. That's like, an hour and 5 minutes of complete silence. It actually gives me anxiety thinking about it. I can't stand not having my music with me. Especially on long bus rides like that.

And then Rob (my mom's bf) has to be an ass and tell me that he'll let me use his ipod. So I get stoked for that. Then he comes home telling me that I don't have the right cord cause it's an older ipod so I freak out. Then he says that he can get this cord from some dude he met. So, I get stoked on life about that. He told me this on Tueday. So today, I write him a note asking him to get it for me today. Because I really needed it. And I phone and he says that this guy isn't working. So I tell him to get the guy to drop it off at the house. And he says he doesn't have an contact information whatsoever on this guy. So now, I'm stuck with no MP3 player for the weekend. Oh, fucking joy.


I find it so grand that, I can't find mine nor Sarah's MP3 players... Since I've lived here, 3 things that were pretty valuable have gone missing.

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im just sitting here wen BAMM like a bunch a plates and stuff fell from the top of my pantry.

now im all paranoid.

and i have finals tommorow. all my books are upstairs. and no ones home. and im a freaked out that sumthings up there.


i sound ridiculous but im gunna fail those finals now.

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