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The Dream/Nightmare Thread


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Oh, that must be the single most annoying thing that can happen in my dreams! Or actually, I've never totally lost control of my feet, it just feels like I'm running in neck-deep water. It's hard to run fast when it takes your foot a couple of seconds to fall back on the ground and you can't speed it up. :lol:

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I had this really bizarre dream with Paramore once. They were at my cabin, and outside the cabin there was suddenly this little pond. And then we were going fishing in that and we were in a little boat. But then the boat tipped around and we all fell out. All the guys drowned, and then me and Hayley were sitting over them crying. And then I woke up. It was so weird.


Last night I had a dream where I started to hit something, I can't remember what though.


Also, one time I had a dream where my old music teacher tried to kill my gym teacher, and this was at my grandparents farm. I can't remember much of it other than that he showed up with a gun and started shooting around. That one was also really weird.

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my last dream was weird.

i was sitting on a sightseeing bus or something, and a man was sitting next to me. then he got off from the bus because of something, and i glanced at his seat and saw his camera. and i went "OMG 14 MEGAPIXELS, I WANT IT, I'LL STEAL IT" :rotfl: but then i remembered how it felt when someone stole my camera, and didn't steal it in the end :lol:

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last night I has this weird one where there was this rapist I hugged so I wouldn't be in trouble by my parents for hanging around strangers and I said he was my next door neighbor. He was like, wtf? and then he tried to rape me, and then somehow the apartment (i'm guessing thats what it was) caught on fire, then I called the police and they didn't do jack shit (which irritated me greatly) so I ran around to the bottom floor and there was this big mall and I started yelling "theres a fire upstairs!" then I ran into my actual next door neighbor's yard , and theres a lot of plants there and I tried to hide from the rapist and it actually hurt when I scraped myself on the plants in my dream. then I noticed, when i was standing on a roof of some sort, I saw my microwave in the window of the apartment and the numbers were vivid. Also, my mom, some old lady and possibly another old lady were sitting in the living room of the burning apartment (the living room looked grandma-fied too.) and then I was a ghost and I was trying to get everyones attention, and I did, then I started crying and my mom told me to stop. and thats it.

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My word, I kept waking up all night because I kept having these awful nightmares. The last one was so graphic that it made me sick when I woke up. I may type it out later, but I don't know. It's still bothering me.



I don't remember most of my dreams, but a recurring one I have is that I dream about an old friend who died a few years back. The last one I had, he was working in a supermarket and served me and I was thinking "isn't he dead? man I have to tell someone he's alive" then I realised it was a dream :shifty:

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I don't remember most of my dreams unless they are GOD AWFUL. But last night I had a reallyyyy weird dream. SO MANY wtf moments. Haha.


I was pregnant with my friend James's baby (WTF. haha) so I looked like freakin Juno walking around. And I was at school with my friend Jessica, even though it looked like a really nice library or the inside of a Borders or something, and we were hanging upside down from the book shelves with our heads touching the ground (second WTF), and I was supposed to kill her (THIRD WTF) and she was dressed really gothic (if you knew her, this would be another WTF. haha) and was planning out how I was supposed to kill her. Since our heads were on the ground, the floor was leaving dents in our heads (WTFWTFWTF) and then she got really scared at the last minute, so I didn't end up killing her, and we just walked out, and my friend James picked me up in a BOAT CAR. Like, in Spongebob, but this was a real life version (W.T.F.). He drove us to a park where there were a bunch of little kids playing, and it was really annoying because they were screaming and I hate children. For some reason I wasn't pregnant anymore (thank god. haha.) and we were trying to climb the jungle gym but there were kids everywhere, so we jumped off. I started walking over to these swings that were made out of hollowed pumpkin halves (WTF) and I almost sat in a rotten one, but then this random guy from nowhere was like "WATCH OUT ITS ROTTEN", so I didn't sit in it. Haha. And I swung in the one next to James for like 5 seconds, and then we drove to my house, but it wasn't my house at all. And we had a mini chocolate lab, not a puppy, but a miniature version of a full grown dog (WTFFFF), and it was running around and I was playing with it. James disappeared and I was just playing with the dog.

And then I woke up because I stayed the night at my friend's house and her alarm went off. Hahaha.

Idk, I felt like posting it because I want to remember it and I have nowhere to write it down except for here at the moment.

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I had a dream i got a whole bunch of rats in my house. Some had on like little dresses and pants-suits. xDDDDDDDDD. And every time i got near one it felt like i was on fire.. xD Then I heard music (Love's not a competition - Paramore). The End.


When i was younger I used to have game dreams, like the dream wouldn't end until i found a certain item (mostly it was a crab in a gold box xD) and couldn't wake up at all until i found that object. like never. xD

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Once again, I dreamed of the Big One at Blackpool. Incase you don't know, it's a rollercoaster. So yes, I often dream of this... probably because I love Blackpool so much.

In my dream, I was in Bart Simpson's body on the Big One and I got a call from Moe and he told me I had to go blow up a train which I did, it was screwed up.

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I don't remember most of my dreams, but a recurring one I have is that I dream about an old friend who died a few years back. The last one I had, he was working in a supermarket and served me and I was thinking "isn't he dead? man I have to tell someone he's alive" then I realised it was a dream :shifty:


Aww, I know exactly what you mean. Those dreams are so saddening when you wake up, you know?

A while back, I had a dream that my older brother was talking to me and my family from Heaven. I couldn't see him but a light had come through the ceiling and I could hear his voice so clearly. He was telling us to keep going with our lives and that he's waiting for us. When I woke I felt a little more at peace but it still hurt to have to realize again that he's dead.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm gonna bump this cause I had a pf-related dream last night.

Louise, Laura and I were at my cabin. And there was this guy there(I'm pretty sure it was a pf dude, but I can't remember who it was). Anyway, he held us as hostages in this little room and said he was gonna kill us. I think that's how it was, or maybe we were hiding there, I can't quite remember. And I think Laura started jumping in and out of this little window while he was standing outside. I have no idea why she did that. After I while I called my dad and started screaming into the phone: "DAD! YOU HAVE TO COME NOW! ME AND JAIMI AND ... I CAN'T REMEMBER HER NAME, BUT WHATEVER IS AT THE CABIN, THERE'S A MAN HERE TRYING TO KILL US!" And then like 10 minutes later he came driving in the local bus in the city we live, which was so weird because our cabin are over two hours away from here. And when he came the dude started running away, but then he suddenly stopped. I don't remember what happened after that, just that I asked what my dad was doing with the bus up here and he was like: "I was just doing the shift up here" and then I woke up, hahah. It was so random.

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I had a dream last night where I was the owner of a H&M store (yes, aged 15), and I was just managing the till and sorting out stock just like any worker would. Then this black guy (who I have never see before) started to steal cash from the till so I went crazy bitch Kung Fu on his ass. :mrgreen: It was fun.



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  • 4 months later...

I had such an odd dream this morning. I was at my place with alot of strangers and we were packing our bags because we were going into space or something.. with a car. Really odd. Anyways so this guy tells me to pack our bags and they were in the bathroom. And when I tried to turn on the lights, they wouldn't work. So I ran downstairs and told the people and they told me that the government had found out what we were planning and that we had to GO. So we all went and grabbed out bags and before we had put all of them in our space car, Hayley all randomly shows up in some astronaut outfit and starts hitting me with her purse, like on my head. We had a fight, both of us standing on the floor of the car while fighting over the roof.

Then we grabbed little balls and started throwing them at each other and while we were enemies, she couldn't stop laughing. Then I woke up.

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um, i actually had FOUR separate dreams last night. it was weird o_O

the first one was kind of a nightmare, it's so bizarre i won't even write it down.

in the second dream, i was at school and some girl just came to me and said something like "your eyebrows are ugly and you should do something about it" :lol: that's all i can remember.

in the next one, i was at Tesco with 2 of my friends and some random stranger started to chase us :shifty: and we run as fast as we could, and finally got outside, and called the police but they said they couldn't come to check on us or something xD

and in the last one, i was at a theatre or concert or something with some random people, and a guy was singing on the stage, then came off, sat down beside me and we started making out :shifty:


seriously, i'd never dreamed such odd things before. :lol:

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I had a dream... That I woke up, it was a normal morning. I went to all my classes like normal. Then I walked into the music room for music... and Mr.Hinkson was there, fine as day. Everyone was normal, meanwhile I was FREAKING out.


Woke up shivering...

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The main way I used to get out of dreams was by blinking like 5-10 times fairly quickly, but if I did it too quickly it wouldn't work :shifty:


The ones I hated most were where I'd lose control of my legs when I was crossing the road and I wouldn't be able to walk or run and I'd be panicking like mad trying to get my legs to work.

totally old post but omg i had those same dreams all the time when i was a kid

i always ended up getting hit by a massive truck :(

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I haven't had a bad dream or a nightmare in a while. Although I do remember sitting up sharply after a dream I had last week, but I don't remember what freaked me out.


Most of my dreams are weird, but in a good way. They don't make sense but they are usually good dreams. Or when something bad does happen, I don't just wake up at the first sign of trouble like I used to, I just get on with it. If that makes sense.

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