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New LJ Entry by TAYLOR! 2/20/09


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The ol' winter blues [20 Feb 2009|06:51pm]


Hey guys! Taylor here. This is my first post ever! I just miss you guys and wanted some sort of interaction. I honestly cannot wait to get this record done and see you guys. I'm ready to start touring again, dangit! But although I'm ready to start touring, writing has been awesome and we're having a blast creating new material. I know most everyone here writes, whether that be music or poetry or even papers. Whatever it is that you write, It's one of those things that can get kind of frustrating, but when something finally clicks it's the best feeling ever! Thank the Lord we've had a bunch of those "clicks". I hope you guys like them as much as we do.


So, I don't know if anyone here goes through the same thing, but sometimes during the cold winter months I get kinda down. Nothing is wrong. In fact, everything is normally great. I have so much to be thankful for, but for some reason I have a hard time being joyful and lively. It's like the cold is some crafty thief that breaks into my soul and steals my ever so valuable happiness. I don't know why or how, but it does. I end up feeling worse for the people around me that have to hang with a downer. No one likes hangin with a debbie downer! I was talking to a friend the other day, and he challenged me with this: He told me that next time I noticed that I was being the downer of the group to try and pry my thoughts away from myself and how bad I felt and to start thinking of other people and how I can serve them. What a concept. To stop being so submerged in myself! That's something that I'm great at, only thinking about me. I just thought that was really cool, and I've been trying to practice some of that. I'm terrible at it, but I'm working on it. It's something that I really want to be better at even when I am feeling great!


ANYWAYS, I don't wanna get all emo on everyone, but I just wanted to share what's going on in my heart. WOO! Well I love you guys and sincerely hope that you're all doing well. I'm gonna go eat a veggie burger now (I just recently decided to try out being a vegetarian. Not sure why, but I am!!)


God bless you guys!



P.S. I know I've mentioned this before, but do yourself a favor and check out Kadawatha (myspace.com/danielkadawatha). He's a good friend of mine and one of the most talented musicians I've ever met. Show him some love!




My dreams came true! haha, just kidding. it's just amazing that he posted. :D

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