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my mom told me this one story, i'm probably going to cry just typing it out because it's so disgusting

these two guys, i don't remember how old they were, late teens probably

but they were heading out in the car and accidentally ran over their dog on the way out of the driveway

the dog didn't die or anything though, it was just injured

so they decided to 'put it out of it's misery'

you know what they did?

put a bag over it's head, tied its legs together, tied it to the back of their car, and drove around

they drove around with this poor dog behind their car for hours and it STILL didn't die

so they left it in a ditch



how beyond fucking sick is that?



sick bastards...this mad me so angry and sad at the same time...dear God...monsters

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Yeah that some shit there. They should get years. The tortured a living being.


if you tried to pull that shit on a human you'd be in the slammer

but no, a poor innocent little dog?

here's a fine for two hundred bucks, see you later


i can't stand people who abandon animals either

i actually cried when we rescued that kitten at my aunt's farm last month

who could do that? honestly?

why would you rather drive out onto the highway in the middle of nowhere to drop off this tiny little thing instead of taking to a shelter?

if you really didn't want to keep it there's better things you could have done

all i kept thinking about though was if this kitten was dropped off even a few more clicks down the road, she could have died

for nothing

i'm glad we found her so she could be taken in and actually cared for

it's disgusting what people can do to their animals without a second thought

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if you tried to pull that shit on a human you'd be in the slammer

but no, a poor innocent little dog?

here's a fine for two hundred bucks, see you later


i can't stand people who abandon animals either

i actually cried when we rescued that kitten at my aunt's farm last month

who could do that? honestly?

why would you rather drive out onto the highway in the middle of nowhere to drop off this tiny little thing instead of taking to a shelter?

if you really didn't want to keep it there's better things you could have done

all i kept thinking about though was if this kitten was dropped off even a few more clicks down the road, she could have died

for nothing

i'm glad we found her so she could be taken in and actually cared for

it's disgusting what people can do to their animals without a second thought


I hate that. What could ever possess someone to do something so heartless. That's just not right. I'm glad you rescued that cat. There should be more people like you and your family to rescue animals like that.

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what baffles me the most is they're at least twenty minutes out of the city

why would you rather drive out there than to a shelter?

clearly there's got to be one a lot closer

and it's not like it's going to cost you anything

drop if off and go

better than leaving it to die


Right? That is totally baffling. There are so many animal shelters in a single city and they do that on purpose so things like that wont happen. Some people are just pathetic, lazy assholes.

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not gonna lie, i'm too lazy to read back. just to throw in my say.


michael vick is a sick bastard. he should still be in jail right now. and he should NOT be back in the NFL. no team should have taken him back. this teaches him nothing. this shows the people that look up to him, well athletes, that its okay to make juvenile mistakes. all ya gotta do is apologize and you're okay. fucking wrong! ugh this makes me so mad. how can you even justify doing that do a poor animal!?

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When i was little their was a boy who saw little baby ducks without their mom.

And i ripped the heads of all the baby ducks. And i just stood and cried their.

I just couldnt say or do anything.


Jackass kid.


not gonna lie, i'm too lazy to read back. just to throw in my say.


michael vick is a sick bastard. he should still be in jail right now. and he should NOT be back in the NFL. no team should have taken him back. this teaches him nothing. this shows the people that look up to him, well athletes, that its okay to make juvenile mistakes. all ya gotta do is apologize and you're okay. fucking wrong! ugh this makes me so mad. how can you even justify doing that do a poor animal!?


I know, I'm in total agreement.

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i am a HUGE fan of the NFL.

i am actually embarassed to say that i'm a supporter of the NFL after all this.

the eagles have always been my least favorite team (hello, giants fan over here!)

but this makes it worse.


i can't even think about what he did.it sickens me

and then in the press conferences he says shit like "ohh i realize my mistakes, if i could i'd go back and undo it" blah blah blah stfu he's sorry he got caught

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When i was little their was a boy who saw little baby ducks without their mom.

And i ripped the heads of all the baby ducks. And i just stood and cried their.

I just couldnt say or do anything.


id be yelling my effing head off. i hate people being right out cruel

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