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okay so stem cell research.

i am totally for it.

i'm actually against the people that are against it.

stem cells are very valuable. its a blank cell. they can be used for anything. they can help with sooooo many medical problems nowadays.

everyone thinks you can only get said cells from fetuses. lies!

you can get them from amniotic fluid and the umbilical cord as well.

they have that in EVERY birth.

what they SHOULD do is have there be a waver for the parents to sign before the delivery, asking if they can collect stem cells.

so many useful cells go to waste every day.

there's nothing unhumaine that way.

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Personally, I see adoption as the way forward if one is expecting an unwanted child. However, whether or not the mother should have to go through the nine months of pregnancy should be up to the mother to decide. Some people just aren't ready to go through with it. You might say "the mother should've thought of that before hooking up with that good-looking chum in the night club's bathroom" but the lessons of responsibility should be left to another time when you aren't playing around with the risk of the mother fucking up the development of the child on her own. Especially when the abortion can be done in the early stages of the embryo/fetus.

The mother IS going to be tied to the child for 9 months, it doesn't matter what happens after that. If abortion is out of the picture (for example, because of a legislation), it puts the unborn child at risk because the mother didn't necessarily want it in the first place. That's why I think abortion should be legal. To have the option available.

It would have it's side effects, yes, but that isn't really any different from the current situation in countries that have prohibited abortion by law. The side effects will be there, regardless of which way the law swings. I think Finland's system is pretty good regarding this deal, because you still have to have a doctor's approval before having an abortion, and that enables the system to view each case as it's own.


^That's the short version of my opinion, so I don't finish all my thoughts because I'm assuming you guys know where I'm going with it anyway.


As for stem cell research, I don't know enough to say anything meaningful, which defeats the purpose of a debate, so I'll just say I have nothing against them. I think they are the pinnacle of science right now.

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Stems cells can create miracles, it can reapir damaged muscle tissue, it can provide help for cancer, it can cure disease. Sounds great right, well, it is for the most part, this like abortion brings up the morality of the situation, stem cells come from part of the unborn fetus. Well... I think it's better said through this:





You can find the rest if you wanna watch it.

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okay so stem cell research.

i am totally for it.

i'm actually against the people that are against it.

stem cells are very valuable. its a blank cell. they can be used for anything. they can help with sooooo many medical problems nowadays.

everyone thinks you can only get said cells from fetuses. lies!

you can get them from amniotic fluid and the umbilical cord as well.

they have that in EVERY birth.

what they SHOULD do is have there be a waver for the parents to sign before the delivery, asking if they can collect stem cells.

so many useful cells go to waste every day.

there's nothing unhumaine that way.



i agree completelly...those cells can develop into anything couse they have multipotential and they can be used for treathing so much deseases especially degenerative deseases of the nervous sistem (couse we all know that all the nervous cells we have r given to us by birth and the cant be produced more during years ) so stem cell research :willy_nilly:

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i can understand if the only way to get these cells were go to and kill babies for them or whatever. but thats not how it happens. they are around naturally.

so many people will be able to walk again. and even better, so many people will be able to live longer lives b/c of these cells.


so where is the controversy!?

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i can understand if the only way to get these cells were go to and kill babies for them or whatever. but thats not how it happens. they are around naturally.

so many people will be able to walk again. and even better, so many people will be able to live longer lives b/c of these cells.


so where is the controversy!?


idk... we r the only ones who r talking about this topic and we have same opinion so guess there is no debate LOL


Edit: like that idea Shannon

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r we on gay marriage... i will skip that one...i honestlly have to say i havent formed my opinion on that one yet... i have nothing against gay ppl but i don't know any so i have to say that i dont have enough information to form my opinion.

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i'm going to add one more thing on this then ihave to go for dinner.


i also don't understand why a straight man and a straight woman can marry and divorce as many times as their savings account will allow them to, while 2 gay men/women can't get married once for life and be happy.



okay dinner calls. i should hopefully be back for another debate? if not i'll think of one to start. i'm getting in to this hahaha

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I was going to say, i dont understand trans gender operations, but then i guess you wouldnt unless you were getting it done right?


I just donno how someone can say "i want to be a woman" or "i want to be a man"


You were born a man/woman naturally, i dont see how you can feel like a member of the opposite sex

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EDIT:You've all obviously moved on, but I'm not deleting my post.


I just get so mad at small-minded people who can't accept homosexual relationships. They are absolutely amazing! It means no one has to live a lie, they can be happy and in love with no restrictions. The culture we're living in is way more accepting of gay people now than ever before. Way back in time, gay people would be killed and allsorts. I think that is disgusting. Why should a man/woman be forced to settle down with a member of the opposite sex whom they aren't attracted to? It's ridiculous.

Three of my close school friends are gay. One of which is incredibly open about it. I'm extremely proud of him for being proud of himself! Being gay is not a disease, you can't "catch" it. People who avoid talking to homosexuals at all costs are old fashioned and basically prejudice. That gay person may be a potential friend to them, but they're too stupid to see past what they like to do in the bedroom.


My dad always says he has nothing against gay people in general, he just hates what they do. Okay, fair enough, but it's not like they're publicly having sex right? He can be a total jerk sometimes. I, personally, love gay men. They can be bitchy, but they're also sentimental and give the best hugs!

I've met a couple of lesbians. My mam's best friend from her childhood is a lesbian, but my mam never shyed away from that. Why should she? She is still the same person she always was.


I actually had a conversation relating to gay relationships today. My sisters actually agreed with me which was surprising. Just because you're the same sex as the person you love doesn't make it dirty, sordid or wrong. It makes it all the more right, so long as you're happy.

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We are freeing ourselves, both physically and mentally, from the shackles of nature, isn't that pretty obvious when you look at the modern society and it's quirks like gayness, stem cell research, abortion and science in general? We are not one with nature anymore, but that's not necessarily a bad thing, it's just boils down to everyone's personal opinion.


This was directed at Ross.

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^ Oooh that's very good!


thanks actually it freeks me out even thinking about transgender operated people..

like other day i was watching Oprah (dont laugh) and there was familly there in which the fader of the familly had that operation and now he is a woman...and they have like kids 5, 6, and 7 years old and 5 year old showed a picture that he draw with his familly. The picture was two girls and a kid and under each person there was a name like mum, sis ,brother and under his father was mada ( as kid explained mum and dad mixed) and i thought wow that is some serious shit.

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