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i don't know much about the plan but i've always found it funny the 'greatest country in the world' doesn't offer it's citizens proper health care while many 'lesser' countries have perfectly fine systems where everyone is entitled to the same level of health care, usually paid for by the government

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i don't know much about the plan but i've always found it funny the 'greatest country in the world' doesn't offer it's citizens proper health care while many 'lesser' countries have perfectly fine systems where everyone is entitled to the same level of health care, usually paid for by the government



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i don't know much about the plan but i've always found it funny the 'greatest country in the world' doesn't offer it's citizens proper health care while many 'lesser' countries have perfectly fine systems where everyone is entitled to the same level of health care, usually paid for by the government



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i don't know much about the plan but i've always found it funny the 'greatest country in the world' doesn't offer it's citizens proper health care while many 'lesser' countries have perfectly fine systems where everyone is entitled to the same level of health care, usually paid for by the government


This is one of the reasons why I actually LIKE America. For those of us in the UK, I'm now going to sound like the archetypal Daily Mail reader but...


I feel we're a nanny state, giving people an easy ride in life. I don't want my tax money helping someone who has no intention of helping themselves. All give and no take. By having a health care system which requires your contribution, it gives an incentive to work, to earn the money. In a dream world, there would be a nice middle ground between the two but unfortunately nothing's that simple. I'm a firm believer in looking after yourself first and the last thing I want is the money I'm earning helping some fucktard junkie who's done nothing but drain the country of its money their whole life and who would probably stab me in the street without so much as a second thought.

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okay, since i'm not on a laptop and not my phone i'll say more than "you're nuts" (even though you still are :P)


i can't remember where i heard it, or when, but i've heard something like 45 million americans are uninsured

that's more than the entire population of canada

and as far as i know from my understanding of the american system, that's 45 million americans who will not receive medical care because they can't afford it

i'm also pretty sure i've heard medical bills are the number one cause of bankruptcy in america, which doesn't surprise me at all

i've seen one too many stories on tv of families who lost their homes and all their savings because their kid got sick

the system is based around who can pay for their medical care and not who needs it

why would anyone want that? that's disgusting

and while i'm well aware there are people who can and do abuse a system like canada's, i feel a lot more secure knowing that the people i care about and myself will have access to proper medical care regardless of how much money we have


(yes, i'm quoting wikipedia, shut up)

A 2009 Harris/Decima poll found 82% of Canadians preferred their healthcare system to the one in the United States, more than ten times as many as the 8% stating a preference for a US-style health care system for Canada[5] while a Strategic Counsel survey in 2008 found 91% of Canadians preferring their healthcare system to that of the U.S.[6][7]. In the same poll, when asked “overall the Canadian health care system was performing very well, fairly well, not very well or not at all?” 70% of Canadians rated their system as working either "well" or "very well".[citation needed] A 2003 Gallup poll found only 25% of Americans are either "very" or "somewhat" satisfied with "the availability of affordable healthcare in the nation," versus 50% of those in the UK and 57% of Canadians. Those "very dissatisfied" made up 44% of Americans, 25% of respondents of Britons, and 17% of Canadians[8]

i'd much rather be part of the majority who are happy with their health care

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i feel a lot more secure knowing that the people i care about and myself will have access to proper medical care regardless of how much money we have




i would love to form a coherent argument to back this agreement up but my brain just doesn't want to work. Just. National healthcare is good, fullstop. The NHS definitely has it's flaws as a medical service, BUT, welfare state ftw.

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i would love to form a coherent argument to back this agreement up but my brain just doesn't want to work. Just. National healthcare is good, fullstop. The NHS definitely has it's flaws as a medical service, BUT, welfare state ftw.

our system isn't perfect either, far from, but it's still a lot better than the joke going down in the states

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I have no problems with free health care - if implemented correctly. The US proposal seems to have too many stipulations attached from what I've read and our system, although 'serving' the public blunderbusses its way through its existence wasting time and money as if it grows on trees. Your Canadian poll was realistically only ever going to have one outcome, even if someone didn't like the Canadian system as soon as they seen it was against the yanks then their maple-tinted glasses would come in and they'd vote for Canada.


The issue should not be free vs. paid. The issue that should be tackled is how to effectively set up a free health care system. America has such a huge population that to give ALL ~300 million of them free health care overnight would be nothing short of destruction. If you have a look at recent unemployment stats - admittedly not seasonally adjusted - roughly 10% of the labour force are not in work. Although by the laws of economics this reduces inflation, it causes several problems. The country is, in theory, receiving say 6% less tax revenue (there will always be some unemployment, again by economics).


Health care should, just now, not be the primary agenda. Unemployment can cripple dramatically the resources of a nation and they should look to settle that first (controversially, I feel, by pulling aid to developing nations).


To be fair, I do know next to nothing about US politics.

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I have no problems with free health care - if implemented correctly. The US proposal seems to have too many stipulations attached from what I've read and our system, although 'serving' the public blunderbusses its way through its existence wasting time and money as if it grows on trees. Your Canadian poll was realistically only ever going to have one outcome, even if someone didn't like the Canadian system as soon as they seen it was against the yanks then their maple-tinted glasses would come in and they'd vote for Canada.


The issue should not be free vs. paid. The issue that should be tackled is how to effectively set up a free health care system. America has such a huge population that to give ALL ~300 million of them free health care overnight would be nothing short of destruction. If you have a look at recent unemployment stats - admittedly not seasonally adjusted - roughly 10% of the labour force are not in work. Although by the laws of economics this reduces inflation, it causes several problems. The country is, in theory, receiving say 6% less tax revenue (there will always be some unemployment, again by economics).


Health care should, just now, not be the primary agenda. Unemployment can cripple dramatically the resources of a nation and they should look to settle that first (controversially, I feel, by pulling aid to developing nations).


To be fair, I do know next to nothing about US politics.

not even close to being true

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I would beg to differ from my experience. But I don't exactly have worlds of it so maybe I'm just assuming there's bitterness between the two of you like there is between the English and us.

there is but that's not why people said they prefer canada's system

they prefer our system because they actually enjoy being able to see a doctor

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Solution? Kill the crackheads:)
haha great plan lol


i'd rather pay a few extra dollars in taxes than insane amounts for treatment but maybe that's just me....


that is true there.

but personally i dont have to pay for healthcare since my mom works at a hospital lol.

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And that's where the line cannot be drawn. Like, it's literally impossible to generalise and separate (in a legislatory manner) a "crackhead" from someone who genuinely needs help. And even if it is just a "crackhead", who is anyone to say whether they get help, like even if they live or die ? It either needs to be one way or another, it can't be inbetween. I do recognise the financial repercussions providing free US healthcare would [icannotthinkoftheword] but i think it needs to happen. like, i want to live in america, yunno, so it needs to happen, hahah.

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oh yeah definitely.

which is why i said free healthcare to people who DESERVE it. but no one can really pick and choose who deserves it or not. (meaning if youre a crackhead or on heroin or something endangering your health purposely)

i just dont think people like that should get free healthcare if they are purposely damaging their health

so im just on the fence....



and yeah youre right jorgi it has to be one way or the other.




so whatever i dont even care

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But i skateboard - does this mean i'm endangering my health purposely ? because i am, i've broken my fair share of bones and taken up my fair share of ambulances and x-rays and plasterererererers and whatnot, does this mean i don't deserve it ? because i do :( haha

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