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an unopened letter to the world.


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Dear Macphal.

Aye I know you fancy me, everyone does, stop trying so hard.

You know nothing will ever happen cos I don't like you much!

And STOP listening to whatever I do to impress me. Enter Shikari lyrics in your msn name, them avenged sevenfold, then FOUR YEAR STRONG?

Have you even heard of them or did you just type 'four year strong lyrics' into google?



everyone does?

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Dear Karley,


Stop calling/texting J. It's really annoying. Not to mention embarassing. He has his number on that website for a reason. It's so people can call him for BUSINESS. Not for obsessed girls who find it funny to text him with Bob Dylan quotes.

This time you've gone too far.




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Dear People....

'tis so funny to think how close we all used to be. We were all like family, though we differed so much in so many ways. I accepted the differences-that's what the Good Lord taught me. It's insane to see us all now and how ugly it's become. I can't even sleep soundly anymore without thinking that one night, you'll all be knocking on the windows or ringing the doorbell...That all hell will break loose. I don't like being paranoid, constantly looking over my shoulder at all times, feeling threatened, and being stiff so as not to physically crash if that night ever does come. I'm glad that I never trust people fully because this might have hurt me more if I did. I don't even think I'm so much hurt as I am enraged.

Don't think I'd be too afraid to step outside my front door ready to fight if I were to ever see you all anywhere near my territory. Luckily, I don't sleep as often or as soundly as before, so it wouldn't be as tough. And sadly for you [but absolutely wonderful for me! =D], I was never the type of kid to need much sleep to function. A good three to five hours has always sufficed, and heck, I can get those hours in pretty easily.

I hope you have all quit your childish and foolish ways. Just go live your lives and let us live ours. I really don't want to have to kick butt early in the morning, and if I'd ever have to then you will all be sorry because I am NOT a morning person.




Wow, that was nice to let out.

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Dear my brothers,


Why did both of you choose this life? You two left me alone with my mom and my bro. And you still want my mom to join that group. I don't believe you did this! Your brains are washed. Did you want this? Okay. You chose. But I feel sorry for my nephew.

And I'll let you know I won't be there if you need me. Sorry.



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Dear World,


Why are you so cruel to me? You took my whole family and you want my life too? Sorry but I'll fight for it. It won't be easy for you. There are people who just suck my energy. I know I am exhausted but I can't let you kill me. It's not because of me that your life is not good. I haven't blasted you. Don't blame me. Or am I the only reason who you can blame? Then congratulations. You deserve an award for it. I'm still there. Look at me. I'm alive. That isn't what you want? If you let me I would help you. But you still hurt me so how can I help you? There's no way.

I don't blame you because it won't help me but like I said you're cruel. You have to choose. Keep fighting with me or letting me go? The choice is yours. I just want an answer. No, you can't hurt my mom, even my brother, Adam. They are my family. Don't you like? I don't care. But I won't let you hurt my family. I'm sorry. You took my brothers, isn't it enough to you? And my father. How could he leave us so easily? I need a father. I'm not asking you for the latest CDs, iPods and such. Just a father. Not much.

I'll finish but it's not over.




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Dear self,

Same as Shannon, make a new start this year. Forget about this year, all the bad points of it raised above the good times. You're getting over him. I know it. But don't take him in to the new year with you. Let him go. He's already let you go. Or has he? I don't know, but theres no point waiting around. Don't let things hold you back in 2009, reach for the sky, you'll make it.


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