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Rant Thread - Part 5


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I have Jury duty today. Great


for those of you who dont know what that is,


it means i sit in a panel with a group of people in court, and decide if someone is guilty or not in a courtcase


not fair man, my dad's 50 odd and has went his whole life without having to do it, yet i get called up at just 20!

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omfg how come EVERY time i have a chance to meet catie it always falls through?


my hopes werent totally up this time b/c of the past tries,

but my parents said yes. BOTH OFTHEM. for once.

and kevin, who was gonna drive and go with me, who was the reason i could go, suddenly said "well my cousins coming over at 3 or 4.."

his cousins over all the time. wtf. and the cousin will be there still when we get home.



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well i have a car and a lisence.

but my parents know i have NO sense of direction whatsoever so they dont let me go places alone that i havent been to before.

so i'm thinking if kevin and i cant go on saturday like we're trying to plan, then i'm gonna see if my sister and her friend can come and we'll go that way.


i really hope this works.

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finally, after 2 weeks of extreme procrastination, worked up the effort to sit down and begin my media evaluation.


i have lost the sheet.


i cannot start my media evaluation without knowing what it is i'm supposed to evaluate and how, thus i need this sheet.


i am screwed.

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yeah i've asked around, fingers crossed someone will give me one before it's actually due in haha.


anyway, i was supposed to work today, so i cancelled the plans i made today. sat down, did one of the millions of essays i'm supposed to have done so i suppose that's an upside. just got a phonecall from the boss, i'm working tonight instead.


i hate how he just assumes i can cancel and reschedule everything according to what he says. he nevereverever sticks to the rotas he puts up each week and i'm actually getting so fed up of it- but fuck looking for another job in this day and age !

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yeah i've asked around, fingers crossed someone will give me one before it's actually due in haha.


anyway, i was supposed to work today, so i cancelled the plans i made today. sat down, did one of the millions of essays i'm supposed to have done so i suppose that's an upside. just got a phonecall from the boss, i'm working tonight instead.


i hate how he just assumes i can cancel and reschedule everything according to what he says. he nevereverever sticks to the rotas he puts up each week and i'm actually getting so fed up of it- but fuck looking for another job in this day and age !


Your myspace song, is epic.

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I slept a grand total of one hour last night, and even that one hour was under "the pitch black velvet" in the refreshingly crisp below-zero air of northern Finland. I catch myself falling asleep like every other minute but I can't let myself do that just yet! Fuk I hate these ubershifts. I already fell asleep twice just writing this.

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I'm going to help you all put that rant into perspective. Our concripts finished their true test of ability today. It was a march, divided into three days.

First day:15km

Second day:25km

Third day:12km

They had the same gear on as I had on my own march about a year ago, with the removal of flak mines, so they had a burden of 40kg to carry. They started their march on Tuesday, slept the night in their tents and woke up 6:00AM Wednesday morning to continue. They marched all day and arrived to the next "pit stop" about 9:00 PM in the evening. When we have conscripts sleeping in the woods, the law says that they have to have a hired trainer from the army sleeping with them. Seeing how I'm the youngest trainer in our unit, I was given the honor...(another trainer had sleeped the night before with them) I had all of the conscripts resting in their tents by 11:00 PM, and the awakening was at 6:00AM, as usual(or so they thought). They had marched 40km by now, so of course they could use the rest... I decided to sleep outside for once to keep away from the conscripts. Why? Because I had specific instructions from the chief trainer of our unit. Instructions to wake up the camp at 2:00AM. I caught one hour of sleep and woke up 1:00AM to start the preparations and at 2:00AM, the piercingly sharp commands of me started to cut through the air. FIRST FIRING POSITION BATTERY! YOU HAVE 20 MINUTES TO DRESS UP, GEAR UP, ASSEMBLE YOUR TENTS, RESUPPLY YOUR WATER BOTTLES AND GET GOING! MOVE! MOVE! Just imagine what they must've felt... They got the bad end of the stick that night, not me. They were devastated. Only half of them made it to the finish line later that day. I don't feel bad for them, they are going to need this kind of harsh training to withstand the obstacles they will face later on in their service. And they knew it as well as I did.

I waited for them in the finish line, and gave those who made it there a good pat on the back and congratulations. None of them looked devastated at that moment, I can tell you that. It's great to see the conscripts you have trained yourself to grow and learn to deal with difficulties with a smile on their face.

But yeah, poor them, not me. :)

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You have pissed me right off.... I know how a fucking delivery system works, don't talk to me like I'm five years old. I've been waiting 5 weeks for a god damn phone, which I never received, I send you the stupid form I need to complete for you to send me a replacement and what happens? You say you haven't received the form? Seriously how fucking retarded are you?? I posted it last Tuesday, you should have received it Wednesday, then three days I was meant to wait, I've given you eight days before phoning about it. Yes I know there was a bank holiday but you should have been able to do something about it by now.


And now I have to wait "a few more days but I cannot guarantee that you will get an email from us".


Seriously WHAT THE FUCK?? Why don't you let me speak to a MAN who can speak proper fucking ENGLISH and that isn't fucking RETARDED.

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took a co-worker home after work, he yelled that i was missing the turn, so instead of missing it and going around, i turned off the highway in the pouring rain, stomping off the brake and quickly turning the car. i hydroplained and went over a cement island thing and killed the front of the car. the body's fine, but the tires and everything underneath is fxcked. without insurance, it would be over $3000 damage in parts alone.

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