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Rant Thread - Part 5


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grrr...my msn. It wants me to update itself but I don't want to. I love the old version I don't need that stupid msn live version. I've fucked up my comp with it once I don't wanna do that again.

But unfortunately I can't log into msn cuz it always wants to be updated and if I don't update it, it won't let me login anymore.... fuck that shit. :-x

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You're in good company Lee, I hate standing at gigs too, always have, unless I'm drunk I don't give a fuck =P


And strangely I don't mind the new version of MSN. It was annoying at first but after a while I got used to it and the problems with not being used to it went away. I've got that, as well as having MSNplus so I can personalize my screen name more lol.

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I'm definitely not really into the "cool" username thing, mine is just Harry, but in green really.

The only times I change it is when I want to be blatantly offensive. For example there is this real poser chick on my msn list, so sometimes I change my screen to something look "HEY GUYS I WENT OUT AND BOUGHT RIPPED PANTS SO I COULD LOOK LIKE A THRASH METAL FAN" or " HEY GUYS IM THE MOST GOFFIC GOTH YOU'LL EVER SEE" because this girl cannot decide if she is into goth culture or thrash metal culture so she changes depending on who she hangs around with.

Maybe I'm being a prick about it, but I really hate dishonest poser type people, so I go out of my way to make them feel stupid about their poser tendencies.

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f ... hate when i arange something with someone and then that person stud me up ...and dont even bother to call to cancel the whole thing....so i called him to confirm the time we should meet and then he said oh i forgot i have basketball game to watch....



f...lame sob

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i worked 1-8 today, set shift. my boss is on holiday, so it was the assistant manager in charge. i left at 8, and so did the rest of the waiting staff because everything (we thought) was done, even though they technically didn't finish until 9. just got a text from the assistant manager - "thank you very much for NOT resetting the tables! i'm on my own tomorrow morning. why should i pay you for not doing your jobs properly."


i did my job, and left when my shift ended, not my problem it was the others if anybody, and how much would it really hurt you to like, put a fork in a pot. maybe two forks. in two pots.



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When I went to church today they said that they were making a petition against same sex marriage. It just pissed me off. It's ridiculous how bigoted and stupid some people can be.

Why don't they have a right to marry the person they love? It just doesn't make sense.

And then they said marriage between a man and a women is how god wanted it to be.

I thought god accepted everyone no matter what?

It's just wrong to take away someones right to marry the person they love and want to be with.

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Fucking arsehole. This girl at school (who is INCREDIBLY irritating even in a good mood) has been a total bitch with me, ever since we came back. Whenever I say anything to anybody, she says something under her breath and I don't get her problem. I'd given up even bothering with her until last lesson today, I was talking to MY friends and she started being clever saying stuff to me. I was so close to just screaming at her, she's so fucking false urghhhh.

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I hate my teacher, like alot! He's the grossest thing ever!

First of all he's stomach looks like a bowlingball, and he wears waay to short t-shirts so everytime he's writing on his blackboard you can see half his stomach!

Second of all, I don't think he ever washes his hair.

Third, he cannot go a single day without touching people. Everytime he speaks to us(especially the girls) he's like holding his hands on our thighs or necks. I just wanna puke everytime I see it. Ugh. And he wears slippers all the time, and he don't wear socks. So when he takes of his slippers and he's sitting on the desk his feet are almost up on some of my classmates desks.

And he :wink:'s a me a lot. Just ugh, that's all I can say. And I just got a text from him saying: "Just wanna remind you that you have to come to school at 8am tomorrow". We're parted in two groups every tuesday when we have nature, and we're supposed to change between 8am and 9am every other week, and my group met at 8am last week too. he always says he always know which groups turn it is to meet early, fuck that. I am not meeting at 8am tomorrow!

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Goddamn fuck.


Basically, me and some of my mates, we have all known each other for years.

We weren't always tight knit, we had our fights, arguments etc but in the end we knew we always respected each other and would want to hang out in the end.


So yeah, there's 5 of us in this kinda "brotherly" circle thing.

Anyway, one of the 5 in particular, Adam, has just become obsessed with "getting pussy" so to speak.

He'll just ditch his mates for girls. Which sure, I've probably been guilty of doing that in the past too. Well yeah, I have once before that I can recall right now, so there ya go.

But yes, basically this dude sent a text message to this chick Sheridan ( whom I used to be good friends with until I realize she is just there only if she thinks you have something to offer her so she can get fucked now) saying "I'd rather hang out with you than that dickhead Ben" (Ben being one of my mates I've known for 6 years, very good friends).

So yeah, I was pretty fucking angry about that. Why am I angry about this? How do I even know about this message?

Because it got sent to Ben accidentally, so Ben showed me.

I was enraged when I saw the message. Adam and Ben were super close mates, always hanging out.

Hell, the day Adam sent that message the bastard had the nerve to pretend he still liked Ben and stayed over at his house.

He totally crossed the line now. He stabbed what was practically a brother in the back, and I feel stabbed in the back in an indirect way.

It's just something you don't do, ever, but he fucking did it, that piece of shit.

He said he regretted it, but we all know that's only because the message got out to where it wasn't meant to be seen.

I also hate the fact he has chosen to hang out with a low life slut rather than a good, honest kid like Ben.

She's one of those people that goes to social group to social group, does her damage and leaves, but you don't know it until it happens.

Nearly lost my friendship with Ben because of her, gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.


I just think of all the times I was there for her, cared about her, the times I helped Adam out with stuff, but the fuckers just fucked me and Ben over so hard.

I haven't been this pissed in a while. I swear if I wasn't a violent person I'd beat the shit out of both of them. Lucky for them I'm more cool headed and not stupid enough to get myself charged with assault.


Just more of a loss of faith in humanity, fuck.

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WTF, going on other forum boards and being told my opinion isn't valid because I'm much younger than them.

What the fuck is up with that? Seriously, people need to get off their high horse "I'M 45 YEARS OLD SO IM BETTER THAN YOU".

I'm not saying this is all of them, of course it isn't but some of them have that attitude and it shits me, it really does:mad:

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I fucking HATE my sister. Urghhh, she winds me up more than anyone else. She just lives to piss me off and make me look like an idiot. I hate her.

Why did she come home anyway? She came back for half an hour before she goes out with her slutty friends. WHY? Just to piss me off a little bit?


I haven't seen my eldest sister in two weeks, and now this cow has to come home and take over, continously having digs whenever I open my mouth. I've just come back online 'cause I can't stand to be in the same room with her. I should'nt have to do that, she just pisses me off so much.


Grimey whore.

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Fucking dickhead.


This cunt comes into my store, for 4 days. To cover my manager, and tells a fellow manager that me and my workmate are "a couple of lazy bastards" and then he takes a week holiday after being here for 4 days.




If he comes back im doing fuck all for him. He looks like vernon kay and walks about as if he owns the place. Fucking prick. He wants the job done. He can fucking do it himself and start saying stuff to our faces if he's that smart mouthed. Dick.

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