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Rant Thread III


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Quite alot of people, actually. I just feel like i'm getting dragged away from everyone who's important to me lately. It kinda hurts ? Bit melodramatic there, but it's the only way i can put it.


But yeah, totally, i've got you, s'all good ;-)

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nervous of what?




..and now,i think i'm going to lose my bf...cause i always ruin everything...cause i'm scared of everything..



...no contest..it was my WORST day lately...and unfortunately,it isn't over yet..

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That boy I complained about ages ago?


Well he took me off myspace and facebook, and one of his friends who doesn't like me, but hasn't taken the time to know me, sent me this e-mail, and yes, I know I'm ranting on a forum just like she said I would, but if you guys DO NOT CARE, don't tell me you do, because obviously I'm not a "likeable person":



Lara. How old are you? Never mind, pretend I didn't ask, I honestly couldn't care less. But I'm sure you're old enough to know when to let go of someone, correct? Well, obviously I gave you more credit than I should have.


I'm fed up of hearing Zac bitch about you 24/7. Seriously, I was happy to listen to it at the beginning because I thought maybe, just maybeee you were worth the time and effort. But to be honest, he's so over your bullshit and your childish games and I'm so sick of hearing it.


I don't know how many people he's dated these last few years, god, millions, and you really need to let go. Because honestly, he's not as naive as he once once, and he's realised he has better people to waste his time with.


You're an over opininated little shit and you think you're perfect and everyone loves you. Well the reality of it is, you annoy people. And I find it sad that you can actually maintain a relationship for so long, but over the internet, do you honestly think that's normal? Now you see you can respond with that by saying that Zac would also be catorgorised as sad in my world, but you're wrong. You see the thing is, the relationship never meant as much to Zac as it did to you.


I don't know how many years the two of you have known each other, but I've known him long enough to know that he seriously couldn't care less about you anymore. And now what I am asking you, is why you are so fucking blind and can't even see the simple signs he is giving you. Telling you to fuck off and stay out of his life?


Now what? You'll go and post a massive Thread about him and I on every forum and cry over it, and hope that someone actually cares? Well I wonder how long it will take you to realise that if someone says the usual bullshit simply like "I care" they honestly probably don't. Because you're not a very likable person.






So, Zac cut off all contact with me. And he's getting that girl who sent the e-mail, Edith, to do all his work for him.




Right now, because of all this, I am very upset and I don't know how long it will take me to get over it, but to know that Zac didn't care as much as I did, really makes me want to die.



I am FED UP.



I also posted this bulletin on myspace:


i'm fed up of people being ignorant and just throwing me away without giving me an explanation, and having to get their cruel friends bitch at me about it.


if any of you get annoyed by me or get pissed off with me, please tell it to my face and not bitch about me behind me back, and then get that person to tell me instead.


i'm heartbroken right now, none of you obviously care, because this person doesn't, and i don't get it at all.


From now on, no matter who the fuck you are, whether you've met me or not, whether you're in my first high school or the high school I'm in now, whether you're my best friend or not, you have a problem with me, you come tell it to my face.


Don't wipe me off myspace/facebook and block off all contact possible, getting one of your friends who hates me to do the dirty work for you because they're bias towards you, so they'll obviously agree with whatever you have to say.

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Pfft, a friend of mine just left me this myspace comment about Paramore:


i'm gonna be simon cowell to you, they're like a mixture of panic at the disco and fall out boy. and those bands suck. so paramore is pretty much shit.


sorry :D



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